Grand Ballroom Hotel Kempinski

Grand Indonesia Jakarta

July, 20th 2023

• Welcoming Remarks • Keynote Presiden Dispo ke Menko Perekonomian • The Great Mood • SPLASH (Sales Planning and Synergy Hub Tools) • Coffee Break • Indonesia's Long and Winding Road • Lunch Break • Opportunities and Challenges in the Future • Digitalizing the Financial Inclusion • Break • Equitable and Sustainable Digital Ecosystem • Break • Turning Point: Withstand a Crisis, Grow Stronger • 2024 General Election: Indonesia, the Next Chapter • Opportunities and Challenges in the Future • Break • The Great Mood: Shaping Business Fortune With Data


Will Indonesia grow faster? This question often appears in many discussions regarding Indonesia's vision to become a developed country in 2045. Presenting the main theme "Indonesia Rising", Katadata Indonesia Data and Economic Conference (IDE) 2023 brings together experts, professionals, and stakeholders to discuss abilities and potentials this country has in increasing economic growth through digitalization, especially in the financial service sectors. Furthermore, with the 2024 election coming forward, Indonesia may encounter other challenges and opportunities that could affect economic development.


The Indonesia Data and Economic Conference (IDE) is an annual event presented by Katadata Indonesia, focusing on excellent discussion and insights on data and economic developments in Indonesia. Has been held successfully since 2019, IDE is considered as one of the largest offline events in Indonesia. More than one thousand people attend IDE annually. In 2021-2022, IDE conducted online due to Covid-19 pandemic. This year, Katadata proudly brings forward IDE as a live event, providing fresh perspectives from nation's leaders, top CEOs, and expert panels on the up-to-date issues driving extensive conversation in Indonesia and beyond



08.45-09.00 WIB
Welcoming Remarks
Metta Dharmasaputra - CEO & Co-Founder Katadata
09.00-09.30 WIB
Keynote Presiden Dispo ke Menko Perekonomian
09.30-10.00 WIB
The Great Mood
Fireside Chat
Raden Pardede - Senior Economist
Felicia Putri Tjiasaka, CFA - Investment Storyteller
10.00-10.45 WIB
SPLASH (Sales Planning and Synergy Hub Tools)
Jamalianuri - Manager Product,
Nico Fernando Samad - Prasetya Mulya
Gundy Cahyadi - Research Director Katadata Insight Center (KIC)
10.45-11.00 WIB
Coffee Break
11.00-11.45 WIB
Indonesia's Long and Winding Road
Sri Mulyani Indrawati - Minister of Finance
11.45-12.15 WIB
Lunch Break
12.15-13.00 WIB
Opportunities and Challenges in the Future
Ganjar Pranowo - Governor of Central Java
Metta Dharmasaputra - CEO & Co-Founder Katadata
13.00-13.45 WIB
Digitalizing the Financial Inclusion
Budi Gandasoebrata - Head of Regulatory and Public Affairs at GoTo Financial
Andy Djiwandono - Head of sustainability & Digital Lending Bank Jago
Sorta Tobing - Managing Editor
13.45-13.55 WIB
13.55-14.40 WIB
Equitable and Sustainable Digital Ecosystem
Roderick Purwana - Managing Partner, East Ventures
BD Budi Prasetyo - VP Digital Banking Product Group PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk
Kurie Suditomo - Writer, Communication Specialist
14.40-14.50 WIB
14.50-15.50 WIB
Turning Point: Withstand a Crisis, Grow Stronger
Meliza M Rusli - President Director PT. Bank Permata Tbk.
Emma Sri Martini - Director of Finance PT Pertamina Persero
Mulya Amri - Panel Expert, Katadata Insight Center (KIC)
15.50-16.50 WIB
2024 General Election: Indonesia, the Next Chapter
Hasyim Asy'ari - Chairman, the General Elections Commission (KPU)
Burhanuddin Muhtadi - Executive Director, Indikator Politik Indonesia
Abigail Limuria - Co-Founder What Is Up, Indonesia? (WIUI) & Bijak Memilih
Philips J. Vermonte - Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of UIII
Yura Syahrul - Editor in Chief
Prita Laura - Professional Moderator
Launching Dashboard Pemilu KIC
Adek Media Roza, Director, Katadata Insight Center (KIC)
16.50-17.20 WIB
Opportunities and Challenges in the Future
Anies Baswedan - Governor of DKI Jakarta (2017-2022)
Metta Dharmasaputra - CEO & Co-Founder Katadata
17.20-17.30 WIB
17.30-18.00 WIB
The Great Mood: Shaping Business Fortune With Data
Fireside Chat
Tony Wenas - President Director, PT Freeport Indonesia
Yura Syahrul - Editor in Chief



Dengan kemampuan mengumpulkan dan mengolah data primer maupun sekunder, KIC menyajikan laporan riset untuk memahami pasar, konsumen, dan lansekap industri yang krusial untuk memgambil keputusan terbaik.

Kita kerap mendengar bahwa perempuan lebih baik dalam mengatur uang. Nah, bagaimana cara mereka mengelola uang?

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Indonesia disebut-sebut akan menuju masa keemasan ekonomi digital. Lalu bagaimana kesiapan daerah untuk menyongsong periode tersebut?

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Bagaimana kesiapan Indonesia untuk beralih ke energi terbarukan? Simak persepsi dan kesiapan masyarakat kita ihwal energi ramah lingkungan.

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Keberlanjutan menjadi kata kunci, tak terkecuali di sektor industry. Kami mengukur komitmen penerapan prinsip ini oleh pada pelaku industri.

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Kampanye penerapan prinsip keberlanjutan pada pemerintahan daerah telah lama didengungkan. Sejauh mana adopsi prinsip tersebut?

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