Ni Komang Ayu Suriani: A Social Innovation for Inclusivity

12 September 2022, 15:26

In this episode, Gundy Cahyadi talks to Ni Komang Ayu Suriani, CEO and Founder of Difalink. Difalink is a social enterprise that provides a job network, connecting people with disabilities and companies in Indonesia.

Suri started working as a volunteer in a foundation in Denpasar that focuses on empowerment of people with disabilities before starting Difalink in 2018. Her sole purpose is to have Difalink creating a more inclusive workforce in Indonesia.

According to data from Databoks - a product of Katadata - as of 2021, people with disabilities made up less than 6% of total employment in Indonesia. Of those employed, close to 30% are self-employed. Additionally, almost a total of 40% are either odd laborers or home-based workers. Essentially, even for those who have "jobs", about 2/3 of them are not in the formal employment category.

Difalink prides itself in being a bridge between job providers and people with disabilities who are seeing for employment. What kind of concepts does Difalink offer both employers and job seekers for a win-win solution in Indonesia? 

You can listen to their discussion "A Social Innovation for Inclusivity" in Off The Script, a podcast series presented by Katadata Podcast

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