Reimagining The Future of Indonesia


March 22nd - 25th, 2021

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Katadata Indonesia

About Reimagining The Future of Indonesia

Starting in mid-January 2021, the government has started to roll-out COVID-19 vaccinations, which is possibly the government’s most crucial program this year. With a target of 100% vaccination coverage for all Indonesians by March 2022, the government seeks to boost public trust in restoring Indonesia’s health and economy.

Public consumption is expected to increase and in turn encourage economic growth, and investments are also forecasted to ramp-up in the near future. To further increase economic growth, the Job Creation Law has also been passed by Gov and Parliament.

About IDE

Indonesia Data and Economic Forum (IDE) brings together all stakeholders related to economy, ranging from the government, corporations, and civil society organizations to participate in exploring concrete actions to achieve Indonesia’s future economic success in post pandemic Covid-19, in 2021 & beyond.



*) in confirmation


22 March 2021
09.00–09.30 WIB
Reviving Indonesia's Economy

Opening speech on behalf President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. H. Joko Widodo

Dr. (H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto
Dr. (H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs
09.30–10.00 WIB
Anticipating the Rise of Tourism: Infrastructure Readiness in New Bali
Sandiaga Uno
Sandiaga Uno
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy
10.00–11.30 WIB
Economy and Political Outlook 2021
Radhika Rao
Radhika Rao
Economist, DBS Bank
Iskandar Simorangkir
Iskandar Simorangkir
Coordinating Deputy Minister for Macro Economic Affairs and Finance, Coordinating Minister for the Economic Affairs
Burhanuddin Muhtadi, Ph.D.
Burhanuddin Muhtadi, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Indonesian Political Indicator
11.30–12.00 WIB
How To Defeat COVID-19: Invest In Public Health & Go On The Offense
Jim Yong Kim, PhD
Jim Yong Kim, PhD
Health Expert & President of the World Bank Group 2012-2019
12.00–13.30 WIB
Collaborative Effort in Driving Sustainability
Dr. Alin Halimatussadiah
Dr. Alin Halimatussadiah
Head of Environmental Economics Research Group, LPEM FEB UI
Mikkel Larsen
Mikkel Larsen
Chief Sustainability Officer, DBS Bank
Ahmad Rifqi
Ahmad Rifqi
Senior Executive Analyst International Department, OJK
13.30–14.00 WIB
Surviving the Pandemic with Innovation
Andanu Prasetyo
Andanu Prasetyo
Founder Kopi Tuku
Azalea Ayuningtyas
Azalea Ayuningtyas
CEO & Co-founder, Du Anyam
Muhammad Fauzal Rizki
Muhammad Fauzal Rizki
Wafa Taftazani
Wafa Taftazani
Co-founder & President Commissioner, Modal Rakyat
Adi Reza Nugroho
Adi Reza Nugroho
CEO & Co-founder, Mycotech
23 March 2021
08.30–09.30 WIB
Digital Economy Trend
Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D.
Minister of Finance
09.30–10.30 WIB
Accelerate & Equalization of Digital Transformation in Indonesia
Willson Cuaca
Willson Cuaca
Co-founder and Managing Partner, East Ventures
10.30–11.00 WIB
Digital Economy and Economic Recovery
Dr. (H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto
Dr. (H.C.) Ir. Airlangga Hartarto
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs
11.15–12.15 WIB
Opportunities in Indonesia's Digital Economy Inclusion
Andre Soelistyo
Andre Soelistyo
Co CEO, Gojek Group Payment and Finance Services
13.00–14.00 WIB
Covid-19 and The Rise of Healthtech
Jonathan Sudharta
Jonathan Sudharta
CEO & Co-founder, Halodoc
14.15–15.30 WIB
New Trends in Consumer Behaviour After Covid
Ira Noviarti
Ira Noviarti
President Director, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk.
Marketing Expert, Inventure Consulting
Mulya Amri
Mulya Amri
Expert Panel, Katadata Insight Center (KIC)
15.30-16-15 WIB
The Changing Paradigm in Global Financial Industry
Jerry Ng
Jerry Ng
Banker Innovator, Founder of Bank Jago
24 March 2021
08.00–09.00 WIB
The New Indonesia Sharia Economic Landscape
Prof. Dr. K.H. Ma'ruf Amin
Prof. Dr. K.H. Ma'ruf Amin
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
09.00–10.30 WIB
The Digital Banking Revolution
Prof. Wimboh Santoso, Ph.D.
Prof. Wimboh Santoso, Ph.D.
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority
Y.B. Hariantono
Y.B. Hariantono
IT and Operations Director, BNI
Vishal Tulsian
Vishal Tulsian
President Director & CEO, PT Bank Amar Indonesia
Hery Gunardi
Hery Gunardi
President Director at PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk.
10.45–12.15 WIB
Payment System in Digital Era
Filianingsih Hendarta
Filianingsih Hendarta
Assistant Governor, Head of Payment System Policy Department, ‎Bank Indonesia
Karaniya Dharmasaputra
Karaniya Dharmasaputra
President, OVO
Indra Utoyo
Indra Utoyo
Director of Technology Information & Operation, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
Rahmat Bagas Santoso
Rahmat Bagas Santoso
Chief Technology Officer, LinkAja
13.00–14.30 WIB
Fighting Financial Digital Crime in The Digital Age
Ahmad Siddik Badruddin
Ahmad Siddik Badruddin
Chairman, Banker Association for Risk Management (BARa)
Brigadier General Slamet Uliandi *
Brigadier General Slamet Uliandi *
Director of Cyber Crime at the National Criminal Investigation Police
Fransiska Oei
Fransiska Oei
Chairwoman of the Communication Forum for Banking Compliance Director (FKDKP)
15.00–16.30 WIB
Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Meutya Hafid
Meutya Hafid
Chairman of the Commission I, People's Representative Council of Indonesia (DPR)
Akhmad Toha
Akhmad Toha
Deputy for Government Protection, BSSN
Shita Laksmi
Shita Laksmi
Executive Director, Tifa Foundation
25 March 2021
08.30–09.15 WIB
Indonesia Economy In 2021: Are We on The Right Track?
Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Ph.D.
Minister of Finance
09.15–10.15 WIB
Indonesia's Narrowing Path to Prosperity: Tough Economic Choices for Hard Times
Prof. Gustav F. Papanek
Prof. Gustav F. Papanek
Lead Author & Emeritus Professor of Economics, Boston University
10.15–11.45 WIB
Indonesia's Narrowing Path to Prosperity: Tough Economic Choices for Hard Times
Chatib Basri, Ph.D.
Chatib Basri, Ph.D.
Minister of Finance 2013-2014
Jonathan Pincus, Ph.D.
Jonathan Pincus, Ph.D.
President, Rajawali Foundation
President Director, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
12.15–13.45 WIB
Spurring Investment Through the Job Creation Law
Bahlil Lahadalia
Bahlil Lahadalia
Chairman of Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board
Ridwan Kamil *
Ridwan Kamil *
Governor, West Java
Ignatius Warsito
Ignatius Warsito
Regional and International Industry Access, Ministry of Industry
Ganjar Pranowo *
Ganjar Pranowo *
Governor, Central Java
Rosan P. Roeslani
Rosan P. Roeslani
Chairman, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 2015 – 2020
14.15–15.00 WIB
Momentum to Encourage Green Energy Investment
Agus Salim Pangestu
Agus Salim Pangestu
President Director, PT Barito Pacific Tbk
15.00–15.30 WIB
Green Economy Transformation
Suharso Monoarfa
Suharso Monoarfa
Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas
15.30–17.00 WIB
Accelerating Investment in Electric Vehicle
M. Ikhsan Asaad
M. Ikhsan Asaad
Director of Mega Project, PT PLN (Persero)
Agus Tjahjana Wirakusumah
Agus Tjahjana Wirakusumah
Team Leader for the Acceleration of Electric Vehicle Battery Project Development
Lee Kang Hyun
Lee Kang Hyun
Vice President/COO Hyundai Motor Asia Pacific HeadQuarter
17.00–17.30 WIB
How to Defeat Covid-19: Invest in Public Health and Go on the Offense
Jim Yong Kim, PhD
Jim Yong Kim, PhD
Health Expert & President of the World Bank Group 2012-2019


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