In commemoration of World Food Day last October, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) stated that the Covid-19 Pandemic has revealed that the global food and agricultural system is still fragile and triggered a world economic recession. According to The Economist Intelligence Unit, Indonesia is ranked 62 out of 113 countries in the Global Food Security Index. Therefore, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry views the importance of synergy efforts among stakeholders to formulate the best steps in order to accelerate economic recovery, improve the welfare of farmers, ranchers, fishermen and processing industries also achieve national food security and nutrition with sustainable principles including through the development of a food estate.
Held every two years since 2010, JFSS is a cross-sectoral forum that brings together government, private sector, civil society organizations, international organizations, farmers and academics to make the best steps to increase the production, added value and competitiveness of strategic food commodities in the context of acceleration to achieve national food security and nutrition with sustainable principles and to improve the welfare of farmers, ranchers and fishermen as well as processing industries.
President of The Republic of Indonesia
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs
Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)
Vice Chairman of KADIN for Agribusiness, Food, & Forestry
Assistant Director-General and FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific
Organizing Committee Chairman “The 5th Jakarta Food Security Summit”
No one is immune to a food crisis. The world, which experienced a food crisis in 2008, is now again faced with the threat of a further food crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the flow of world food trade. This is the time to side with farmers, ranchers and fishermen, which in turn will solve the food and nutrition crisis, prosper farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and promote the processing industry and create a more equitable economy, including through the development of a food estate.
Minister of Agriculture
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing
Minister of Environment and Forestry
Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning
Chairman of the Permanent Committe on Forestry
Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Horticulture KADIN
Rector of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Agriculture and food are the keys to promoting national economic recovery. However, this potential needs to be supported by efforts to recover domestic consumption which was also suppressed by the pandemic. This is where a number of strategic steps and policies are needed, such as providing incentives to maximize market power, boost people's purchasing power, increase competitiveness, food consumption and domestic food production.
Minister of Finance
Minister of Trade
Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs
Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Food Resilience KADIN
President Director of PT BRI (Persero) Tbk
Co-founder & CEO Tokopedia
In the midst of efforts to recover the national economy, one of the sectors that can be relied on to maintain economic, social and political stability is the food and fisheries sector. In fact, the agricultural business sector experienced high growth while other sectors were weakening in the second quarter of 2020. When the overall value of Indonesia's exports declined, the export performance of the agricultural and fisheries sectors actually showed a positive trend. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has hampered the export-import trade between countries due to policies to restrict human traffic. It is expected that these obstacles can be overcome with the Travel Corridor Arrangement (TCA) policy or also known as a Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL).
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Industry
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Vice Chairman of KADIN for Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Vice Chairman of KADIN for International Relations
Vice Minister of Trade (2011-2014)
The Covid-19 pandemic proves that the agricultural sector is still the foundation for national economic recovery. The presence of the Job Creation Law is expected to open investment taps to improve food security, land use, food estate development, post-harvest handling technology facilities, and the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in the agribusiness industry.
Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment
Minister of Research & Technology/National Research & Innovation Agency
Minister of State-owned Enterprises
Minister of Health
Vice Chairman of KADIN for Food Processing & Livestock Industry
Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Development of Food Industry KADIN
Co-Founder & Co-Managing Partner Northstar Group
Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning
Chairman of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)
You can download all the paper presented at this event below.
Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Pengembangan Industri Makanan dan Minuman (Pangan Olahan) Nasional (Dr. Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita)
Memaksimalkan Potensi Ekspor Pangan Nasional (Shinta W. Kamdani)
Strategi Ekspor Indonesia Saat dan Pasca Pandemi (Yugi Prayanto)
Indonesia to Tap Domestic Market (Sunarso)
Memaksimalkan Pasar Domestik (Agus Suparmanto)
Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan Nasional (Basuki Hadimuljono, Ph.D)
Arah Kebijakan Tata Ruang dan Pertanahan untuk Kesejahteraan Petani, Peternak dan Nelayan (Dr. Sofyan A. Djalil)
Kebijakan KLHK Dalam Mendukung Progam Nasional Ketahanan Pangan (Dr. Siti Nurbaya Bakar)
Terobosan Kebijakan Peningkatan Produksi Pangan Dalam Rangka Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional di Masa Covid-19 (Dr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo)