40 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 dan Kunci Jawabannya

Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) atau Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) dilakukan tiap pertengahan semester. Tujuannya yaitu untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa yang dilakukan oleh pengajar.
Selain itu, hasil UTS juga bisa dijadikan acuan saat Ujian Semester yang dilaksanakan di akhir semester. Di sejumlah sekolah, pelaksanaan UTS bersifat tidak terstruktur sebagaimana Ujian Sekolah.
Berikut contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 yang bisa dijadikan bahan untuk belajar. Lengkap dengan jawaban, simak daftarnya di bawah ini.
Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
1. Is a plane faster than a car ? Yes, ...
a. is it
b. it is
c. it does
d. it do
Jawaban: B
2. The vehicle used to take the patient to the hospital is...
a. motorcycle
b. pedicab
c. car
d. ambulance
Jawaban: D
3. Cici ... Math last night. What was Cici doing last night?
a. Study
b. Studied
c. Studies
d. Studying
Jawaban: A
4. There are twelve ... in a year.
a. Months
b. Weeks
c. Calendars
d. Days
Jawaban: A
5. It ... one thousand rupiahs.
a. cost
b. costed
c. costs
d. costing
Jawaban: C
6. My mother cooks fried rice in the ...
a. Kitchen
b. Dining room
c. Bathroom
d. Bedroom
Jawaban: A
7. It can protect our body from cold water. It is ...
a. jacket
b. hat
c. shirt
d. bag
Jawaban: A
8. Aya : What does she . . . at the post office?
Kadit : She buys a postcard.
a. Make
b. Buying
c. Buys
d. Buy
Jawaban: D
9. My father is 45 years old. My uncle is 35 years old. My father is ... than my uncle.
a. older
b. younger
c. handsome
d. beautiful
Jawaban: A
10. I want to go swimming. I need ...
a. tent
b. rope
c. swimsuit
d. shoes
Jawaban: C
11. Mother...her hands yesterday.
What did Mother do yesterday?
a. Washes
b. Wash
c. Washing
d. Washed
Jawaban: D
12. Mrs. Anita buys vegetables in the ...
a. mall
b. supermarket
c. greengrocer
d. fruit stall
Jawaban: C
13. Adit is ... than Dimas
a. more diligent
b. smarter
c. handsomer
d. lazier
Jawaban: A
14. Samuel has a chubby ...
a. hair
b. hose
c. body
d. cheek
Jawaban: D
15. Aldy : ... does your mother go?
Fery : She goes to market.
a. Where
b. When
c. What
d. Who
Jawaban: A
16. The capital city of Indonesia is ...
a. Bandung
b. Bali
c. Yogyakarta
d. Jakarta
Jawaban: D
17. Cici .. .a letter last night. What did Cici do last night?
a. Wrote
b. Writes
c. Writing
d. Write
Jawaban: A
18. Aldi always does his homework. He is a ... boy
a. clever
b. lazy
c. stubborn
d. diligent
Jawaban: D
19. Seller : What do ... need, Mrs. Rani?
Mrs. Rani : I want to buy the vegetables.
a. He
b. She
c. You
d. I
Jawaban: C
20. My grandmother is ... your grandmother
a. as old as
b. as young as
c. older
d. the oldest
Jawaban: A
Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
21. Great Britain is a kingdom. A ... leads it.
a. King
b. President
c. Emperor
d. Major
Jawaban: A
22. Joshua...his friend last Sunday. What did Joshua do last Sunday?
a. Meets
b. Met
c. Meeting
d. Meet
Jawaban: B
23. People usually buy and sell something in a ...
a. Supermarket
b. Shopping
c. Mall
d. Market
Jawaban: D
24. What did you do last night?
a. studied
b. cooked
c. listened
d. danced
Jawaban: A
25. Dinda eats too much sauce. Now, she has a ...
a. headache
b. earache
c. backache
d. stomachache
Jawaban: D
26. Indonesia is a republic, a ... leads it.
a. Emperor
b. King
c. President
d. Village chief
Jawaban: C
27. Aisyah...a book yesterday. What did Aisyah do yesterday?
a. Reads
b. Read
c. Reading
d. To read
Jawaban: B
28. Which activity did you do yesterday?
a. watched
b. danced
c. kicked
d. wrote
Jawaban: A
29. Made...on the bed last night. What was MAde doing on the bed last night?
a. Sleeping
b. Sleeps
c. Slept
d. Sleep
Jawaban: C
30. My father forbids me to swim in the river.
He says ...
a. Swim in the river!
b. No swim in the river!
c. Don’t swim in the river!
d. Doesn’t swim in the river!
Jawaban: C
31. A ... is the wife of a king.
a. Queen
b. President
c. Governor
d. Major
Jawaban: A
32. I think Made ... kick the ball.
a. Was
b. Were
c. Would
d. Will
Jawaban: D
33. The ... has three colors. They are red, yellow, and green.
a. Street
b. Zebra cross
c. Bridge
d. Traffic Light
Jawaban: D
34. Benny is sick. He has to go to ....
a. the nurse
b. the teacher
c. the doctor
d. the police
Jawaban: C
35. When someone wants to mail a letter, she should stick a ... on the envelope.
a. Stamp
b. Sticker
c. Picture
d. Map
Jawaban: A
36. President, vice president, and minister are the .... government.
a. local
b. regional
c. central
d. international
Jawaban: C
37. I wake up and say ...
a. Good night
b. Good evening
c. Good afternoon
d. Good Morning
Jawaban: D
38. Dito eats a lot of spicy food at school. Now, he has a...
a. heartache
b. headache
c. stomachache
d. fever
Jawaban: C
39. ..., Ady will study at junior high school.
a. Next year
b. Last day
c. Yesterday
d. A month ago
Jawaban: A
40. A time for breakfast ...
a. Afternoon
b. Midnight
c. Morning
d. Night
Jawaban: C
Demikian pembahasan mengenai contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 yang lengkap dengan jawabannya. Kerjakan soal untuk memperdalam materi dan menguji kemampuan. Semoga bermanfaat.