30 Ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 Bahasa Inggris yang Berkesan dan Penuh Makna

Destiara Anggita Putri
1 Agustus 2024, 12:41
Ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 Bahasa Inggris
Girlfriend Day
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Kumpulan ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 bahasa Inggris ini bisa dibagikan kepada teman-teman perempuan tercinta karena berisi kata-kata yang berkesan dan menyentuh  hati.

Girlfriend Day atau National Girlfriend's Day merupakan salah satu perayaan populer di Amerika yang diperingati setiap tanggal 1 Agustus. 

Dilansir dari laman Tirto.id,  perayaan ini telah dilakukan sejak 2004 berdasarkan klaim dari seorang seksolog bernama Mistress Susan Anne. Dia mengklaim bahwa perayaan ini bisa menjadi kesempatan untuk sahabat perempuan untuk saling mengucapkan terima kasih.

Untuk ikut merayakan Girlfriend Day, Anda bisa membagikan ucapan kepada sesama perempuan seperti ibu,  saudara, maupun teman-teman perempuan baik melalui pesan singkat atau mengucapkan secara langsung.

Berikut di bawah ini kumpulan ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda gunakan.

Ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini 30 ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dikirimkan kepada sesama perempuan.

Ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 Bahasa Inggris
Ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 Bahasa Inggris (Pexels)
  1. "Happy Girlfriend Day to the girl who makes my world a better place."
  2. "Happy Girlfriend Day to the one who makes my heart race and my soul dance."
  3. "Thank you for being the most caring and loving girlfriend. Happy Girlfriend Day!"
  4. "You’re my everything, and I cherish every moment we share. Happy Girlfriend Day!"
  5. "Dear girlfriend, I feel lucky to have you. Thanks for making every day worth living."
  6. "On this special day, I want to remind you how much you mean to me. Happy Girlfriend Day!"
  7. "You are my precious treasure, and I wish to cherish you always and forever. Happy Girlfriend Day, love."
  8. "Happy Girlfriend Day! Ever since we met, you have always brought so much joy, laughter, and positive energy to my hectic life. I am so lucky to share a beautiful journey filled with love and happiness with you. I love you."
  9. "Thank you for coming into my life and making me so happy. I loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, and always will. Happy Girlfriend Day."
  10. "Wishing my pretty girlfriend a Happy Girlfriend Day filled with hugs and kisses. I wish I could bring the world to your feet."
  11. "Happy Girlfriend Day my beautiful one. You are the star of my life, the sunshine of my days. I can't imagine my life without you anymore. I love you always."
  12. "Happy Girlfriend Day beautiful. There are so many people in this world, but the fact that you choose to love me makes me feel so blessed. I love you so much."
  13. "Thank you for coming into my life and making me so happy. I loved you yesterday, still love you today, will love you tomorrow and forever. Happy Girlfriend Day."
  14. "I want to make every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute, every second of your life full of joy. Happy Girlfriend Day my beautiful, the best person in my life."
  15. "I feel lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for making every day worthwhile and filling it with joy. Happy Girlfriend Day beautiful."
  16. "Happy Girlfriend Day. I had no idea I could fall in love or love someone so deeply until I met you. You showed me what a wonderful feeling it is to love someone."
  17. "I wish to make every year, every month, every day, every hour, every minute, every second of your life full of unending joys. Happy Girlfriend Day to the best person in my life."
  18. "Happy National Girlfriend Day, May the universe always have a way for us to always be together even though distance separates and time is not always on our side. I Love You."
  19. "Happy National Girlfriend Day, don't forget to rest, take care of your health, beautiful. Remember, there is me who is always waiting for a beautiful smile in your eyelids."
  20. "Having you besides me, makes me a happier and stronger person because I know you will always catch me when I will fall. To the loveliest friend I have. Happy National Girlfriends Day."
  21. "Your presence adds life to my existence. Your smile brightens my day. You hug resolves my problems. You are truly magical and I truly love you. Happy National Girlfriends Day to you."
  22. "My girl, I feel lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for making every day worth living and filling it with joy. Happy Girlfriends Day."
  23. "There are so many people in the world, but the fact that you chose to love me makes me feel so blessed. I love you so much. Happy Girlfriend Day."
  24. "Wishing you a very Happy Girlfriend Day, my love. In good times and bad times, I will love and support you. When you fall, I’ll catch you and help you get back up, and when you thrive, I’ll always be there to congratulate you."
  25. "Life is incomplete without a friend like you who is always there to share pizza, listen to stupid stories, share heartbreaks and get back to life. I love you. Warm wishes on National Girlfriends Day"
  26. "Babe, you are the star of my life, the sunlight of my cloudy days. I cannot imagine my life without you anymore. Happy Girlfriend Day!"
  27. "I want to hold you in my arms and never let you go. Darling, you are the most amazing partner I could ever dream of! You deserve the whole world! Happy Girlfriend Day! I love you."
  28. "You fill my heart with hope and my life with excitement; you’re just the best partner I could ever ask for. Happy National Girlfriend Day, my girl."
  29. "Happy Girlfriend Day! Ever since we met, you have always brought so much joy, laughter, and positive energy to my hectic life. I am so lucky to share a beautiful journey filled with love and happiness with you. I love you."
  30. "Happy Girlfriend Day. Through your presence, you bring me peace in my heart. You make me to feel seen and heard. Your love inspires me to be a better person. I know what it is like to love, but you showed me what it is like to be loved back."

Demikian ini 30 ucapan Girlfriend Day 2024 bahasa Inggris yang bisa dikirimkan kepada sahabat perempuan.

Editor: Agung

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