4 Dongeng Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Beserta Terjemahannya

Oleh Tifani
12 Agustus 2024, 12:59
Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
Ilustrasi, dongeng Cinderella.
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Dongeng adalah cerita yang tidak benar-benar terjadi terutama tentang kejadian pada zaman dahulu yang aneh atau tak masuk akal. Biasanya dongeng menceritakan cerita rakyat yang telah diturunkan sejak zaman dahulu secara lisan tanpa diketahui pengarangnya.

Menariknya, dogeng tidak hanya sebagai sarana hiburan, namun juga sarana belajar. Salah satunya melalui dogeng bahasa Inggris yang efektif untuk memperkenalkan kosakata baru, struktur kalimat dalam bahasa asing.

Dongeng Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Beserta Artinya

Cerita Dongeng Cinderella
Cerita Dongeng Cinderella (princess.disney.com)

Dikutip dari laman Gramedia, berikut kumpulan dongeng bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak yang menarik.

1. Dogeng Bahasa Inggris Cinderella

The story of Cinderella tells of a kindhearted young woman who was treated cruelly by her stepmother and sisters, but, never the less, kept a humble attitude.

One day, the king decided to throw a ball and invited all the young maidens in the kingdom. While Cinderella's sisters made her help them get ready for the ball, not once did they ask her if she would like to go with them.

When they left, her Fairy Godmother appeared and helped Cinderella go to the ball with a bit of magic that would only last until midnight. At the ball, Cinderella caught the eye of the prince, as she was the most beautiful girl there, and they danced all night.

When midnight came, Cinderella had to leave the ball, and in her hurry, one of her glass slippers fell off her feet. The prince found this slipper and vowed to marry the girl who the slipper belonged to.

The prince went from house to house, looking for the girl who's foot fit the slipper, and he reached Cinderella's house. Though Cinderella's stepsisters and stepmother tried to keep her from trying it on, the glass slipper was a perfect fit, and she was soon married to the prince and lived happily ever after. This is a wonderful story that captures how keeping a humble attitude will reap its rewards.


Cinderella mengisahkan seorang wanita muda yang baik hati yang diperlakukan dengan kejam oleh ibu tiri dan saudara perempuannya, tetapi ia tetap rendah hati.

Suatu hari, sang raja memutuskan untuk melempar pesta dansa dan mengundang semua gadis muda untuk ke kerajaan. Sementara saudara perempuan Cinderella membuatnya membantu mereka bersiap-siap untuk pesta dansa tidak sekali pun mereka bertanya apakah dia ingin pergi bersama mereka.

Begitu mereka pergi, Ibu Peri muncul dan membantu Cinderella pergi ke pesta dansa dengan sedikit sihir tapi hanya akan bertahan sampai tengah malam. Di pesta dansa, Cinderella menarik perhatian sang pangeran, karena dia adalah gadis tercantik di sana, dan mereka menari sepanjang malam.

Ketika tengah malam tiba, Cinderella harus meninggalkan pesta, dan karena tergesa-gesa, salah satu sepatu kacanya terlepas dari kakinya. Pangeran menemukan sepatu ini dan bersumpah untuk menikahi gadis pemilik sepatu itu.

Pangeran pergi dari rumah ke rumah, mencari gadis yang kakinya cocok dengan sepatu itu, dan dia sampai di rumah Cinderella. Meskipun saudara tiri dan ibu tiri Cinderella berusaha mencegahnya untuk mencobanya, sepatu kaca itu sangat cocok, dan dia segera menikah dengan pangeran dan hidup bahagia selamanya.

2. Dogeng Bahasa Inggris The Legend of Surabaya

A long time ago on east Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. Actually they were friend, but when they were hungry, they were very greedy and did not want to share their food.

They fought for it and never stop. One day Sura and Baya were looking some food, but they did not want to share and they fought again.

After several hours Sura and Baya had plan to stop their fought, Sura live and look for food in sea, and Baya live and look for food on land. But one day, Sura went to the land and look for food in the river.

Baya was angry when he knew that Sura was broke the promise. Than Sura and Baya fought again and finally Sura was gave up and he went back to the sea.

People than always talked about the fought between Sura and Baya. They named the place of the fought as Surabaya, it's from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile.

People also put their fought as the symbol as Surabaya city.


Dahulu kala di Jawa Timur, ada dua binatang yang sangat kuat bernama Sura dan Baya. Sura adalah seekor hiu dan Baya adalah buaya.

Sebenarnya, mereka adalah teman, tetapi ketika mereka merasa lapar, mereka sangat rakus dan tidak mau berbagi makanan. Mereka biasa bertengkar karena masalah itu.

Suatu hari, Sura dan Baya sedang mencari makanan, tetapi mereka tidak mau berbagi dan kemudian bertengkar lagi. Setelah beberapa jam, Sura dan Baya memiliki rencana untuk menghentikan pertengkaran mereka dengan memutuskan agar Sura hidup dan mencari makan di laut, sedangkan Baya hidup dan mencari makan di darat.

Namun suatu hari, Sura pergi ke darat dan mencari makan di sekitaran sungai. Baya marah ketika mengetahui Sura mengingkari janji.

Kemudian, Sura dan Baya bertengkar lagi hingga akhirnya Sura menyerah dan dia kembali ke laut. Orang-orang selalu berbicara tentang pertengkaran antara Sura dan Baya.

Mereka menamakan tempat pertempuran itu sebagai Surabaya, dari Sura si hiu dan Baya si buaya. Karena itulah, masyarakat menggunakan kisah perjuangan mereka dalam mencari makanan sebagai simbol Kota Surabaya.

3. Dogeng Bahasa Inggris Timun Mas

A long time ago, there was a beautiful girl named Timun Mas. She was born from a mystical treaty with a giant named Buto Ijo.

In their treaty, Buto Ijo would take her back when she was 17 years old. Timun Mas’ parents then broke the promise and asked her to run.

Buto Ijo was so angry that he chased after Timun Mas. However, Timun Mas fight back by spreading the salt, shrimp paste, and also cucumber seeds.

The cucumber seeds turned into a forest, the salt turned into a sea, and the shrimp paste turned into suction mud. Buto Ijo was then sunk in the suction mud and Timun Mas could return home safely.


Dahulu kala, ada seorang gadis cantik bernama Timun Mas. Ia lahir dari perjanjian mistis dengan seorang raksasa bernama Buto Ijo.

Dalam perjanjian mereka, Buto Ijo akan mengambilnya kembali ketika dia berusia 17 tahun. Orang tua Timun Mas kemudian mengingkari janji dan memintanya untuk kabur.

Buto Ijo sangat marah sehingga dia mengejar Timun Mas. Namun, Timun Mas melawan dengan menaburkan garam, terasi, dan juga biji mentimun.

Benih timun berubah menjadi hutan, garam berubah menjadi laut, dan terasi berubah menjadi lumpur hidup. Buto Ijo kemudian tenggelam dalam lumpur hisap dan Timun Mas bisa pulang dengan selamat.

4. Dogeng Bahasa Inggris Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

A long time ago, in a kingdom, lived a king and his queen who loved each other very much. However, they were very sad that they had no children.

One day, when the queen was sitting under a tree, she uttered a wish that desperately wanted to have a child. Then, white snow fell from the sky, and the queen saw it as a sign that her wish would soon come true.

Some time later, the queen gave birth to a very beautiful princess and she was named Snow White. Unfortunately, the queen passed away shortly after giving birth to Snow White and the king was very sad for the loss of his wife.

As Snow White grew up, she became more and more beautiful and that made Snow White's stepmother, a proud and cruel queen, very envious and jealous of her. Snow White's stepmother desperately wanted to be the most beautiful in the kingdom and she ordered a hunter to take Snow White to the forest and kill her.

However, the hunter did not have the heart to kill Snow White and let her go. Snow White escaped to the forest and met the seven dwarfs, who offered to let her live with them in their little house.

Snow White lives a happy life with the dwarves, but Snow White's stepmother learns that she is still alive and makes plans to kill her herself. Snow White's stepmother disguises herself as an old merchant and comes to the dwarves' little house, offering Snow White a magic apple.

Snow White eats the apple and falls into a long sleep, where she cannot be woken up by anyone except the handsome prince who eventually comes across her. The prince falls in love with Snow White and decides to take Snow White back to the palace.

There, Snow White awoke from her sleep and the prince and Snow White lived happily ever after. And Snow White's stepmother, was punished for her crimes and she could never bother Snow White again.


Secara keseluruhan, dongeng Snow White and the Seven Dwarf mengajarkan pelajaran berharga tentang emosi manusia, empati, kebaikan, dan komitmen pada nilai-nilai dalam situasi sulit.

Melalui dongeng ini, nilai yang dapat diambil adalah mengenai kebaikan dan empati, seperti ketika pemburu memilih memaafkan Snow White. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bagaimana empati bisa berdampak baik pada individu maupun banyak orang.

Selain itu, nilai yang bisa diambil dari dongeng ini adalah tentang konsekuensi dari perbuatan jahat yang ditunjukan melalui ibu tiri Snow White dalam menghadapi hukuman. Hal tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa perilaku tidak bermoral berujung pada hasil negatif.

Editor: Agung

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