25 Ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ghina Aulia
15 Agustus 2024, 13:40
Ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia
Ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia
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Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Happy Independence Day memiliki arti Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan. Istilah tersebut mengacu pada ungkapan suka cita atas merdekanya suatu negara. Termasuk Indonesia yang sebentar lagi menempuh hari jadi merdeka ke-79.

Hari kemerdekaan Indonesia diperingati setiap 17 Agustus. Sudah merdeka selama 79 tahun, bangsa Indonesia banyak menempuh tantangan dan pengaruh dari dalam dan luar.

Berhasil merdeka, 17 Agustus biasa diwarnai dengan kegiatan yang khidmat dan penuh suka cita. Salah satunya dengan menebar ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia dalam bahasa Inggris mau pun Indonesia.

Maka dari itu, kali ini Katadata.co.id ingin memberikan sejumlah referensi ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia dalam bahasa Inggris. Dilansir dari berbagai sumber, berikut lengkapnya.

Ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Happy Independence Day! Let’s not just wave the flag but truly understand the freedom it represents. Let’s make every day a step closer to the Indonesia we dream of.

2. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Instead of just remembering the past, let’s create a future worth celebrating. It’s time to rewrite the narrative.

3. Independence isn’t just about history, it’s about the choices we make every day. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Let’s choose progress, equality, and courage.

4. On this Independence Day, let’s celebrate the rebels, the thinkers, and the dreamers who dared to imagine a free Indonesia. Merdeka!

5. Happy Independence Day! Let’s celebrate not just our freedom, but our responsibility to challenge, question, and improve our nation every day.

6. Merdeka! Let’s flip the script this Independence Day. Instead of looking back, let’s focus on what’s next for Indonesia.

7. On this day of celebration, let’s remember that our independence was won through the sacrifices of countless heroes. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Let’s honor their legacy by working for a just and prosperous future for all.

8. On this day of celebration, let’s remember that our independence is not just a historical event, but a living testament to the resilience and determination of our people. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Let’s work together to build a future where freedom and prosperity are shared by all.

9. Merdeka! Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! As we commemorate this day, let’s reflect on the journey of our nation and the struggles that brought us our freedom. May we all be inspired to contribute to the growth and success of our beloved country.

10. Merdeka! Happy Independence Day! As we raise our flag high, let’s also raise our hopes for a better Indonesia. Together, we can overcome any challenge and create a nation where freedom, justice, and equality prevail.

11. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! As we honor the courage and sacrifices of our forefathers, let’s pledge to uphold the values of unity, justice, and equality. Let’s work together to create a nation where every citizen can thrive, and where our diversity is celebrated as our greatest strength.

12. On this special day, let us remember the sacrifices made for our freedom. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! May we continue to cherish the values of democracy, justice, and unity that our nation was built upon. Together, we can build a brighter future for all.

13. Happy Independence Day! Today, we celebrate the triumph of our people and the enduring spirit of our nation. Let’s honor our past by building a future that is just, inclusive, and full of opportunities for every citizen.

14. As we raise our flag high on this Independence Day, let’s also raise our hopes and aspirations for a better future. Together, we can build an Indonesia that is strong, united, and prosperous—a nation where every citizen can live with dignity and pride. Merdeka!

15. On this special day, let’s remember that our independence was won through the sacrifices of countless heroes. Let’s honor their legacy by working together to build an Indonesia that is free, just, and equal for all. Happy Independence Day!

16. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Today, we celebrate the spirit of freedom that unites us as a nation. Let’s work together to ensure that this freedom is enjoyed by all Indonesians, now and in the future.

17. Happy Independence Day! Today, we celebrate the resilience and determination of our people. Let’s honor the sacrifices of our heroes by continuing to fight for justice, equality, and unity in our great nation.

18. Happy Independence Day! As we celebrate our independence, let’s also remember the importance of unity and solidarity. Together, we can achieve greatness and create a nation where everyone can thrive.

19. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Today, we celebrate the diversity that makes our nation unique. Let’s embrace our differences and work together to create a future that is inclusive and strong.

20. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! Today, we celebrate the spirit of unity and patriotism that binds us together. Let’s continue to work towards a future where freedom, justice, and equality are a reality for all.

21. Happy Independence Day! Today, we remember the sacrifices made by our ancestors to secure our freedom. Let’s honor their legacy by continuing to fight for justice, equality, and unity in our great nation. Together, we can achieve greatness.

22. Merdeka! Today, we celebrate our nation’s independence, and we renew our commitment to building a better future for all Indonesians. Let’s work together to create a country where freedom, justice, and equality are not just ideals, but realities.

23. As we celebrate Indonesia’s Independence Day, let’s take a moment to reflect on the values that make our nation great: unity, diversity, and resilience. Let’s continue to uphold these values as we work together to build a brighter future for all Indonesians.

24. Merdeka! Independence is more than a holiday; it’s a call to action. Let’s use our freedom to innovate and inspire.

25. On this day of freedom, let’s remember that our independence is not just a gift, but a responsibility. Let’s work together to build an Indonesia that is strong, just, and inclusive—a nation where every citizen can thrive. Happy Independence Day!

Itulah sekumpulan ucapan Happy Independence Day Indonesia dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan rujukan dalam menulis. Semoga bermanfaat.

Editor: Safrezi

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