25 Ucapan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2024 Bahasa Inggris yang Inspiratif

Destiara Anggita Putri
9 Desember 2024, 11:47
25 Ucapan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2024 Bahasa Inggris
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Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia diperingati pada 9 Desember setiap tahunnya dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang korupsi dan menyoroti peran konvensi dalam mengatasinya.

Untuk tahun ini, peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia dilaksanakan pada Senin, 9 Desember 2024 atau tepatnya hari ini.

Berdasarkan informasi dari laman PBB, tema untuk peringatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2024 yaitu "Uniting with Youth Against Corruption: Shaping Tomorrow's Integrity" atau yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti "Bersatu dengan Pemuda Melawan Korupsi: Membentuk Integritas Masa Depan".

Sementara di Indonesia, KPK mengangkat sebuah tema yang bertajuk "Teguhkan Komitmen Berantas Korupsi untuk Indonesia Maju". Keputusan pemilihan tema tersebut tertulis dalam Surat Edaran Nomor 18 Tahun 2024 tentang Imbauan Penyelenggaraan Kegiatan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia yang diterbitkan langsung oleh KPK.

Ada berbagai cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk memperingati Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia, termasuk membagikan ucapan yang inspiratif di media sosial.

Agar berbeda dari lainnya, ucapan ini juga bisa dibagikan dalam bahasa Inggris agar bisa dibaca oleh lebih banyak audiens.

Berikut di bawah ini kumpulan ucapan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2024 bahasa Inggris yang bisa dibagikan.

Ucapan Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia 2024 Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini 25 ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dibagikan di media sosial untuk memperingati Hari Antiorupsi Sedunia 2024.

25 Ucapan Hari Anti Korupsi Sedunia 2024 Bahasa Inggris
25 Ucapan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2024 Bahasa Inggris (Freepik)
  1. "Today, let us celebrate International Anti Corruption Day by working together to make our country free from this issue."
  2. "International Anti Corruption Day on 9th December, may this day always remind us to take a stand against corruption."
  3. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! Let's stand up against corruption and work towards a just and fair world for all."
  4. "On this day, let's reaffirm our commitment to fighting corruption. May integrity and honesty guide our every step forward!"
  5. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! Together, we can create a future where corruption has no place and integrity prevails."
  6. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! A day to remember that every action counts in the fight for a corruption-free world."
  7. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! Together, let's strive for a future where integrity and fairness triumph over corruption."
  8. "On this International Anti-Corruption Day, let's dedicate ourselves to eradicating corruption and creating a world of trust and equality."
  9. "Wishing everyone a meaningful International Anti-Corruption Day! Together, we can build a transparent future free from corruption."
  10. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! Let's take a stand for a world built on the pillars of honesty, justice, and transparency."
  11. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! May this day inspire us all to strive for a future where corruption no longer hinders progress."
  12. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! Today, let's raise our voices for a corruption-free world and take action for a brighter tomorrow."
  13. "Let's work hand-in-hand to make our world a better place free from corruption. Wishing you a powerful International Anti-Corruption Day!"
  14. "On this special day, let’s reaffirm our commitment to building stronger, more transparent institutions. Happy International Anti-Corruption Day!"
  15. "Today, on International Anti-Corruption Day, let’s raise our voices for accountability, integrity, and justice in every community and every nation."
  16. "On this International Anti-Corruption Day, may we stand together in promoting honesty and fighting against corruption for a better, fairer future."
  17. "Wishing a very Happy International Anti Corruption Day. In this day, let make a promise that we will never let corruption flourish in our country."
  18. "On this International Anti-Corruption Day, let’s pledge to be part of the solution—promoting honesty and accountability in every corner of the world."
  19. "Wishing everyone a meaningful International Anti-Corruption Day! Let’s raise our voices for justice and transparency in all institutions, everywhere."
  20. "May this International Anti-Corruption Day inspire each of us to uphold values of transparency, accountability, and justice in everything we do."
  21. "May this International Anti-Corruption Day inspire each of us to uphold values of transparency, accountability, and justice in everything we do."
  22. "On this International Anti-Corruption Day, let's unite for a world where honesty and integrity shine brighter than corruption. Let's make a difference together!"
  23. "Happy International Anti-Corruption Day! Let's unite in our fight against corruption, and work toward a world based on transparency, fairness, and integrity."
  24. "Let’s celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day by recommitting to building a world where transparency, justice, and accountability are at the core of governance."
  25. "Today, we come together to raise awareness about the harmful effects of corruption and reaffirm our commitment to building a world of integrity, transparency, and accountability. Let us all work towards fostering systems that promote fairness and justice, ensuring that corruption has no place in our societies. Together, we can create a brighter future for all"

Itulah 25 ucapan Hari Antikorupsi Sedunia 2024 bahasa Inggris yang inspiratif untuk dibagikan di media sosial.

Editor: Safrezi

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