7 Contoh Recount Text Singkat dan Penjelasannya

Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis teks yang menggunakan sudut pandang orang pertama. Umumnya bersifat personal dan menceritakan suatu peristiwa. Namun hal ini juga mengacu pada jenis tulisan itu sendiri.
Singkatnya, recount text adalah teks yang memberi tahu pembaca tentang satu cerita, tindakan, atau aktivitas. Recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau pengalaman di masa lalu.
Recount text ulang biasanya mengikuti urutan kronologis, menyajikan peristiwa dalam urutan kejadiannya. Umumnya menggunakan kata kerja lampau dan mungkin menyertakan detail deskriptif untuk membuat narasi lebih menarik.
Recount text mencakup berbagai topik, mulai dari pengalaman pribadi seperti liburan atau sehari di pantai hingga peristiwa bersejarah atau laporan berita.
Jenis teks ini biasa diberikan sebagai tugas oleh guru mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Tujuannya yaitu untuk melatih kemampuan menulis yang sifatnya naratif dan deskriptif. Terlebih menggunakan bahasa Inggris, yakni untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa asing.
Patut diketahui bahwa recount text terdiri dari tiga bagian. Di antaranya yaitu orientation, event, dan reorientation. Berikut penjelasannya.
1. Orientation
Orientation membahas tentang beberapa informasi pengantar untuk mengatur konteks pada recount text. Termasuk latar belakang dan keterangan mendasar seperti apa, siapa, dimana, kapan, dan mengapa.
2. Event
Event berisi serangkaian peristiwa yang diceritakan secara kronologis dan berurutan. Di mana Anda menggambarkan urutan peristiwa dalam urutan kejadiannya. Setiap peristiwa biasanya disajikan dalam paragraf atau bagian terpisah.
3. Reorientation
Reorientation juga dikenal sebagai kesimpulan. Berisi pendapat pribadi tentang peristiwa tersebut atau apa yang terjadi pada akhirnya.
Terkait dengan itu, kali ini kami akan menyertakan contoh recount text singkat yang bisa dijadikan acuan penulisan. Rata-rata memiliki tiga paragraf yang terbagi atas orientation, event, dan reorientation. Berikut lengkapnya.
Contoh Recount Text Singkat 1
Last week was the first day I came late to school. I had never came late to school before.
I was staying up late until 2 am which was very unusual for me. I set my alarm to 5 am. I woke up at 7 am and I did not hear my alarm rang. It turned out that my alarm was broken. I rushed to bathroom and changed to my school uniform. I ran to my school. When I arrived, I was punished for being late.
After school I bought two new alarms to prevent this happen again.
Contoh Recount Text Singkat 2
Last summer I went to a golf and spa resort “Valle del Este” in Almería, Spain.
I went with my wife, Teresa. We went by car and I drove too many hours and we were very tired when we arrived in Almeria. It was very hot but the hotel had a wonderful swimming pool.
We needed to have a rest because we were stressed at work, and we only wanted to swim and sunbathe.
We visited a typical villages in Almeria, Mojacar, Carboneras, Vera, etc. And we went sight seeing too. I took photographs all the time and Teresa went preferred to go shopping.
It was a prefect holiday, and we could relax for 10 days.
Contoh Recount Text Singkat 3
I loved spicy food so much. Until one week ago, I got very sick because of spicy food.
When I was in my lunch break, I ate my favourite meatball and I put too much sauce in to my meatball. After I finished my lunch, my stomach felt like it was on fire. It was very painful that I left school early. I got fever and diarrhea for 3 days.
After three days, I got better and I promised not to eat too much spicy food anymore.
I´m going to tell you about my best holiday. My best holiday was a trip to Nepal two years ago. I was with my wife and another couple of friends.
The flight was very long we did a stopover in Doha after fourteen hours. Doha is the capital of Qatar, which is a little country in Persico Gulf, near Saudi Arabia. Doha is a new city with very big buildings near the Arabian sea.
We were in Nepal for three weeks. Nepal is a country in the middle of Asia, between China and India. There are thirty million people, Spain is five times bigger than Nepal. We went trekking around the Annapurnas for twenty days.
Everyday we got up at seven, after breakfast we walked for seven hours. We saw very nice landscape. Everyday we went up a mountain to a pass which was 5,000 meters high.
The food was very simple, we had rice everyday, with chicken or vegetables, but we weren´t hungry although it was boring.
Everynight we slept in very simple hotels, with one toilet for all the people. The bed was a table with a leg. But the trip was very interesting.
Contoh Recount Text Singkat 4
Last year was the best experience I’ve ever got. I was the first winner of singing competition.
I love singing since I was kid. I practiced so hard before I the D-day. My parents were really supportive. They helped me to practice and prepared healthy food for me. They also gave me motivation to believe in myself.
That’s why winning singing competition meant so much to me.
Contoh Recount Text Singkat 5
Sumpah Pemuda was a day that is celebrated as a pledge of the nations the homeland Indonesia. This oath was considered as a form of the spirit of the Indonesian people in upholding the ideals of Indonesian independence.
The “Sumpah Pemuda” Congress was held on October 27-28, 1928 in the city of Jakarta. Then, the day was celebrated every year as the “Sumpah Pemuda” day. Several youth organizations attended the congress such as Jong Java, Jong Batak, Jong Celebes, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Islamieten, Jong Ambon, and others.
The expected results of the Sumpah Pemuda congress were to formulate the homeland, the nation and the Indonesian language. Later, this formula was used as the principle of the unity of the Indonesian nation.
Contoh Recount Text Singkat 6
Last summer I went to Germany. I went with my husband and my eldest son. We went by plane from Santander to Frankfurt, there we rented a car.
For three days we visited the idyllic medieval towns of Colonia, Rotenbourg, Dresden- high towers, heavy walls, old churches – . We made a great cruise along the Rhin.
Then we stayed in Berlin for four days. In the morning we went sightseeing and at night we looked for traditional restaurants. The weather was variable; cloudy, rainy and also sunny.
Berlin is a big city. It has got many modern buildings – for example the glass dome of the Parliament built by the British architect Norman Foster. It´s a great place to visit exhibitions of photography and painting. I think Berlin is a home of artist.
Demikian pembahasan tentang recount text lengkap dengan contohnya. Untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, Anda bisa mencoba menulisnya sendiri. Bagi Anda yang kesulitan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, buatlah dalam bahasa Indonesia terlebih dahulu.
Sumber: EF, English Admin