10 Contoh Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris sebagai Referensi

Destiara Anggita Putri
15 Mei 2023, 11:01
Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi, undangan ulang tahun.

Ulang tahun merupakan salah satu momen membahagiakan dalam hidup. Maka tidak heran  jika sebagian orang merayakan hari istimewa tersebut dengan pesta ulang tahun sebagai wujud rasa syukur.

Ada banyak hal yang perlu dipersiapkan saat akan mengadakan pesta ulang tahun. Salah satunya surat undangan ulang tahun. Bagi Anda yang akan merayakan ulang tahun, tidak ada salahnya untuk membuat undangan dalam bahasa Inggris agar terkesan berbeda dari lainnya.

Jika Anda masih bingung seperti apa undangan dalam bahasa Inggris, berikut di bawah ini beberapa contoh yang bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi.

Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini 10 contoh surat undangan ulang tahun bahasa Inggris untuk diberikan kepada keluarga, sahabat, atau orang-orang terdekat.

Contoh Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun
Contoh Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun  Bahasa Inggris (Unsplash)

1. Contoh Undangan Ulang Tahun dalam Bahasa Inggris

To: My dearest friend

Hello, my friend! I want to let you know that next week is my sweet seventeen birthday. Please come to my sweet seventeen celebration on:

Day/Date : Monday. August 15th 2022

Place : Sumber Resto

Time : 7PM – End

Guest star: RAIN

Dresscode: Bright and all white

You don’t need to bring anything and don’t forget to come.

Best regards,

Intan Garelda

2. Contoh Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris via Online

To : intangarelda@webmail.com

Subject : Birthday invitation

Dear, Intan!

How’s it going? It has been a while since we last talked. I hope we can meet again because I’ve missed you so. I’m writing this message to tell you that my birthday party is coming soon. I will be having a birthday party on the 12th of August. Please come to my house and I was hoping that you would come!

Let’s start the party at 6 PM. You don’t need to bring any gift, just come around. See you!

The dearest,


3. Undangan Ulang Tahun dalam Bahasa Inggris Simpel secara Personal

Dear, Hilman.

I will have a birthday party and it will begin on Saturday, August 13th, 2022 at 6PM. Please come to Hope Cafe, South Jakarta. If you have any question, please call me at 081xxxxxxx.

I hope we can meet and celebrate my birthday together. See you!

Your best friend,


4. Contoh Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris untuk Kerabat

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Blake,

We invite you to come to our child’s 2nd birthday party. We hold a garden party on:

Date: Saturday, 24th September 2022

Time: 4 p.m.

Place: Plataran Menteng Restaurant at Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto No.42, Jakarta Pusat

We really look forward to welcoming you to our happy day. Please send confirmation before Friday. Thank you.

Best regards,

Mr. and Mrs. MacKay

5. Contoh Undangan Ulang Tahun untuk Sahabat

Dear my best friend,


I hope you attend my sweet 17 birthday party. This party will be held on:


Date: Saturday, 1st October 2022

Place: PA.SO.LA Restaurant at Sudirman Central Business District Jl. Jend. sudirman kav 52-53

Time: 7 pm

Attire: Casual


I really hope you will attend because this party will not be memorable without your presence.


Kind regards,


Zibby Allen

Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Sahabat Islami
Surat Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris (Pexels)

6. Contoh Undangan Ulang Tahun Anak

Dear Mr. Muhammad Ridwan,


We invite you to come to our child’s 3rd birthday party. We hold a garden party on:


Date: Saturday, 3th March 2021

Time: 4 p.m.

Place: our house at Angklung Street No. 3, Bandung


We really look forward to welcoming you to our happy day. Thank you.


Best regards,


Mr. and Mrs. Hananto

7. Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris untuk Teman

Dear, Hilda


Hello my best friend, I will have a party to celebrate my birthday. It will begin on Saturday, June 14th, 2021 at 7 PM. It will be held in Light Cafe, Boulevard Street No. 12 North Jakarta. I do hope that you can come to gather with other friends. See you!


If you have any questions, call me at 0812349765


Your best friend,



8.Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris Formal

Semarang, November 1, 2021


To: Miss Alena Rukmana


Dear Miss Alena, 

I hope you’re always doing well. 


Along with this letter, I would like to invite you to attend my birthday party which will be held on:


Date: November 5, 2021

Time: 07.00 PM – end

Place: The Ballroom of Mustika Hotel


I hope you will be there and share happy moments on my birthday.


Best Regards,

Galuh Dirgantara

9. Undangan Ulang Tahun Bahasa Inggris untuk Teman

Dear Jack Anderson,


Hello, my dearest friend! How are you? It’s been a long time since the last time I saw you!


I would like to inform you that I will be having a birthday party next week. It will be held on January 11, 2022 at Cafe Moon Cheri. If you don’t know the place, just call me at this number 089***


Don’t miss it! I’ll wait for your coming.


Your Bestie,


10. Undangan Ulang Tahun untuk Keluarga

Jakarta, October 7, 2021


Dear Uncle Mahesa,

I hope my uncle is always healthy and fine. 


I have something special to tell you which is my birthday! I want you and all your family to come over to Hotel Alexander on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 18.00 until the end for my birthday party.


I miss you and your family so much, I hope we can get together on this special day. Make sure you come!


With Sincere Love,

Linka Ananta Rengganis

Editor: Agung

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