Kini Bisa Bayar PBB Online Melalui Tokopedia

PBB Online di Tokopedia telah tersedia di lebih dari 250 kota dan kabupaten Indonesia.
6/12/2022, 14.12 WIB

DKI Jakarta's PBB payment deadline for individuals and entities is approaching the deadline, which is December 9, 2022. To make payments easier, people can now fulfill their Land and Building Tax (PBB) obligations through the PBB Online feature on Tokopedia.

Tokopedia Senior Vice President of Sales Operations and Product Rudy Dalimunthe, said, "Tokopedia synergizes with local governments in hundreds of cities and districts in Indonesia in presenting this service. We hope this service can make it easier for the public to fulfill their tax obligations.”

To make a payment, users only need to select the 'Top Up & Billing' and 'PBB Tax' menus in the Tokopedia application. Then, fill in the area info, select the year of the PBB payment, enter the Tax Object Number, and click 'Check Bill'. 

Billing details will automatically appear if the Tax Object Number is correct. Next, select the desired payment method. Tokopedia provides more than 50 payment options, such as bank transfers, installments, electronic money, to offline outlets (minimarkets and the nearest post office).

Currently, Online PBB payment services at Tokopedia are available in more than 250 cities and districts. Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, Bogor and Medan are some of the areas that have experienced the highest increase in online PBB payments over the past year at Tokopedia.

"We note that online PBB payment transactions through Tokopedia have increased by almost 1.5 times from January to October 2022 compared to the same period in the previous year." Add Rudy.