Beberapa perusahaan memberikan syarat bagi para pelamar untuk mengajukan lamaran dengan bahasa Inggris. Oleh sebab itu, setiap pelamar pun harus melihat contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris sebagai referensi.
Bahasa Inggris menjadi salah satu bahasa yang penting baik dalam pendidikan maupun pekerjaan. Bahasa Inggris menjadi penting juga untuk memahami isu-isu internasional yang terkait dengan pekerjaan pihak tertentu.
Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, pentingnya memahami bahasa Inggris pun menjadi prioritas perusahaan, mulai dari perekrutan hingga pada saat diterima dan bekerjanya karyawan tersebut. Simak contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris sebagai inspirasi dalam uraian berikut.
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris
Surat lamaran kerja dengan bahasa Inggris tidak sulit dibuat. Alasannya, terdapat ketentuan mendasar yang sama dengan surat lamaran berbahasa Indonesia. Berikut ini beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang dapat menginspirasi.
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris 1
Denpasar, July 3, 2021
To Dear Sir/Madam HRD Personnel
PT Propertindo Nusa Bangsa Sejahtera
In Surabaya, East Java
With respect
I am the undersigned:
Name: [Write the applicant's full name]
Place/Date of Birth: [Write down the applicant's place and date of birth]
Address [Write down the applicant's full address]
Phone number: [Insert contact phone number]
Email address: [Write down the applicant's email address]
In connection with the recruitment of employees in the company that you lead, I intend to submit a job application letter in order to be accepted to work at the place that you lead as a HRD Staff.
Previously, I had work experience as a HRD Staff for 6 years in a previous company. In addition to examples of work, for your consideration, I also attach the following files:
- Curriculum vitae
- 3X4 size photo
- Copy of certificate
- Photocopy of diploma
- Photocopy of grade transcript
- Photocopy of ID card and family card (KK)
Thus I make this application letter, I hope to be able to work in the place that you lead. For your attention, I thank you.
[Full Name of Applicant]
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris 2
Regarding: Job Application
Dear Sir/Madam
HRD / Personnel
PT Optima Mahakarya Bersama
In Cikarang, East Java
With respect,
In connection with a job vacancy announcement in the form of a position as HRD Staff that I found on PT Optima Mahakarya Bersama's website, I am interested in filling the position. As a consideration, here I attach a brief bio about myself:
Name [Fill in the applicant's full name]
Place and Date of Birth: [Insert applicant's place and date of birth]
Mobile Phone Number: [Insert contact phone number]
Email: [Insert applicant's email address]
Education: [Write down the last level of education]
In addition, I am also attaching several documents for other considerations. The documents that I have attached are:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of Award Charter
- Copy of Identity Card (KTP) / Family Card (KK)
- Copy of Police Record Certificate (SKCK)
- Copy of score transcript
- Photocopy of diploma
- Photocopy of the last diploma.
Thus the application letter that I can convey. I hope to be able to work with you at PT Optima Mahakarya Bersama. For your attention, I thank you.
[City], [Date] [Month] [Year]
[Write full name of applicant]
Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris 3
Subject: Job Application at PT Rayon Unggul Bahagia Bersama
Dear HRD/Personnel
PT Rayon Unggul Bahagia Bersama
In Bandung, West Java
With respect,
In connection with the publication of job vacancies on PT Rayon Unggul Bahagia Bersama's social media in the form of a position as a Content Creator, I am interested in filling the vacancy.
I am interested in filling the position because I have interests and experience related to the field. I have experience as a Content Creator for approximately 5 years with various achievements. The following are the documents that I have attached for your consideration to accept me:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP)
- Photocopy of family card
- Photocopy of Award Charter
- Portfolio
- Certificate of Expertise
- Certificate of TOEFL and other foreign language skills
- Photocopy of Police Record Certificate (SKCK)
- Photocopy of diploma
- Photocopy of Transcript of Values 11.
Thus the job application letter that I submitted. I hope that you will accept me to work at PT Rayon Unggul Bahagia Bersama to fill the position.
If there are any mistakes in my submission, please forgive. For your attention, I thank you.
[City], [Date] [Month] [Year]
[Write full name of applicant]
Demikian contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris yang dapat digunakan sebagai inspirasi.