Menilik Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi, cerita Malin Kundang.
Editor: Agung
29/1/2024, 10.10 WIB

Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki kekayaan budaya yang sangat beragam. Kekayaan budaya tersebut turun menurun dan legendaris.

Beberapa contohnya yakni cerita legenda, pakaian adat, makanan khas, rumah adat, tarian adat, nyanyian dan lagu khas daerah, serta kekayaan budaya lainnya. Hal ini menjadikan Indonesia merupakan negara yang unik dan kreatif.

Berkenaan dengan itu, terdapat cerita Malin Kundang yang berasal dari Sumatera Barat. Untuk mengetahuinya dalam bahasa asing, simak cerita Malin Kundang bahasa Inggris sebagai berikut.

Cerita Malin Kundang Bahasa Inggris

Ilustrasi Cerita Rakyat Malin Kundang (Pinterest)

On a very beautiful beach in the south of Padang City, a child was born who was named Malin Kundang. His father had left him to migrate to another country, leaving Malin to live in poverty with his mother. Despite being faced with limitations, Malin had a strong determination to migrate to a foreign land. With great determination and perseverance, she managed to achieve sufficient wealth. However, his wealth did not cause Malin Kundang to recognize his origins. In fact, he refused to acknowledge his mother who had given birth to him.

Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Malin Kundang. He lived with his father and mother in poor circumstances in a small village on the seashore. The village was small and deserted, as many of its inhabitants had migrated in search of a better life.

Malin Kundang was a young man who loved to play, especially chasing Burik, the only chicken his parents had. Unfortunately, Malin often tortured the Burik every time he caught it.

One day, Malin Kundang's father decided to migrate to the other side of the country, believing that there was a higher chance of earning more money. He set off on a ship with others who were also going to migrate, leaving Malin and his mother in the poor village.

Days turned into months, but not a single word came from her father. The mother, with the same determination and perseverance as her son, worked harder to ensure their survival. One day, Malin Kundang had an accident while chasing the Burik and received serious injuries. The mother lovingly cared for and treated Malin's wounds, although the scars would remain an indelible memory.

Time continued to pass. Without realizing it, Malin had grown into a handsome and strong young man. He began to feel bored with the lonely and poor life in the village. His desire to migrate and seek fortune like his father grew.

Malin decided to ask his mother for permission to migrate to a foreign country. Although his mother felt sad and worried, Malin promised to become a rich man and take his mother with him. With a heavy heart, his mother finally gave Malin permission to migrate.

Malin Kundang sneaked onto a ship and hid in a wooden crate. The ship sailed to an unknown destination. Unfortunately, in the middle of the sea, the ship was attacked by pirates. All crew members were killed, and all valuable treasures were seized. The ship was left adrift in the middle of the sea.

Ilustrasi Cerita Rakyat Malin Kundang (Pinterest)

Luckily, Malin Kundang survived because he hid in a wooden crate. When he came out of hiding, he found the ship stranded in a busy harbor. Near the harbor, there was a fertile and rich village. Although his body was weak from hiding for so long in a wooden crate, Malin Kundang smiled at the new opportunities in front of him.

Malin Kundang worked hard day and night. The only thing that kept bothering him was his desire to become a rich man. His determination and hard work finally paid off. He managed to achieve wealth, owning a large ship with 100 crew members, and a beautiful wife.

One day, Malin Kundang took his wife sailing on his luxurious ship. They anchored in Malin Kundang's hometown, and news of their arrival soon reached the ears of his mother. Overjoyed, the elderly mother hobbled into the harbor. She repeatedly shouted for Malin from afar. Malin Kundang's wife was astonished to see an old woman running towards them, dressed in shabby and tattered clothes. Malin Kundang's wife asked about the identity of the old woman.

Malin Kundang felt uneasy, not wanting his wife to know that he came from a poor family. Lying, he told his wife that the old woman was just a beggar asking for alms. "Why don't you recognize me? I am your mother," the old woman asked Malin Kundang. Angry, Malin Kundang denied it and even said that his mother was dead. The mother cried bitterly, assuring Malin that she was his son by showing the scar on Malin's arm. Despite getting angrier, Malin Kundang ordered his guards to send his mother away. The mother continued to cry bitterly.

In her disappointment, the mother prayed to God, asking for punishment if Malin was indeed her son. In a flash, lightning struck the clear sky. Slowly, Malin felt something strange in her body. Her body was getting stiff. Malin Kundang realized that he was cursed. He fell to his knees and quickly turned into stone. For Malin, it was too late to regret his disobedience towards his mother.