105 Ide Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris dari Kutipan Hingga Bertema Islami

Ghina Aulia
10 November 2023, 08:25
Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris, Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris dari Kutipan, Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris Islami

Instagram merupakan platform media sosial yang bernaung di bawah Meta, yakni perusahaan induk yang dikelola oleh Mark Zuckerberg. Rilis pada 6 Oktober 2012, Instagram masih populer dan masih banyak digunakan hingga sekarang.

Statista melalui situs resminya merilis bahwa pengguna Instagram, di tahun 2023 mencapai 1,35 milyar orang. Hal ini umumnya mengacu pada jumlah akun yang terdaftar.

Instagram juga digunakan pengguna untuk berbagi cerita berbasis gambar, video, dan audio. Kita juga bisa bertukar pesan, melakukan panggilan suara dan video, hingga melakukan promosi yang dilengkapi fitur tertentu.

Media sosial ini juga bisa dijadikan wadah berkarya, layaknya sejumlah pemengaruh atau yang akrab dengan sebutan selebgram (selebritas Instagram) yang menerapkannya. Tak sedikit yang namanya menjadi terkenal melalui platform Instagram.

Seperti media sosial lain, Instagram juga menyediakan fitur profil yang kompleks dan lengkap. Termasuk foto tampilan, nama panggilan, nama pengguna (ID), bio, hingga kolom untuk memuat informasi pribadi lainnya.

Terkait dengan itu, kali ini kami akan memberikan sejumlah contoh bio IG keren bahasa Inggris yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber. Patut diketahui bahwa Instagram juga kerap disingkat menjadi IG untuk mempermudah penyebutan. Selengkapnya, simak tulisan berikut ini.

Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris

1. Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.
2. Don’t look for society to give you permission to be yourself.
3. Live every day as if it’s your last.
4. I create new enemies every day, it’s called business.
5. All you need to change is will.
6. Failures are temporary, but success is permanent.
7. Happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life.
8. You become what you believe, so believe in yourself.
9. How we live our life is far more important than how we say we live our life.
10. A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.
11. In a world of darkness look up at the stars.
12. Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.
13. I exist within monotonous but steady rhythms ????
14. My world is painted in shades of gloom and depression
15. Professional funny bone tickler
16. On a mission to spread laughter like confetti
17. Let’s create memories that will have your abs begging for mercy!
18. Appreciate the beauty in simplicity.
19. I believe in finding happiness in simplicity.
20. The simplest pleasure is in a good cup of coffee.
21. Lover of nature, books, and adventures.
22. Everyone else was taken so this is me.
23. In a world of worriers, be the warrior.
24. Creativity solves everything.
25. I would rather die of passion than of boredom.
26. Living vicariously through myself.
27. I’m here to avoid friends on Facebook.
28. A day without laughter is a day wasted.
29. Often misunderstood but potent nonetheless.
30. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.
31. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
32. You become who you spend your time with.
33. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
34. Do what you love, love what you do.
35. The sky is not the limit, your mind is.

Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris dari Kutipan

1. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” – Steve Martin
2. “Limit your ‘always’ and your ‘nevers’.” – Amy Poehler​​
3. “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” – Anais Nin
4. “Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers
5. Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
6. “You do not find a happy life. You make it.” – Camilla Eyring Kimball
7. “Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.” – Lily Pulitzer
8. “Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” – Mahatma Gandhi
9. “Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln
10. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
11. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” – Confucius
12. “Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard
13. “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible!” – Audrey Hepburn
14. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot
15. “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn
16. “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” – Jimi Hendrix
17. “The shortest answer is doing.” – Lord Herbert
18. “There is no substitute for hard work.” – Thomas Edison
19. “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill
20. “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.” – Mark Twain
21. “If things go wrong, don’t go with them.” – Roger Babson
22. “There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
23. “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford
24. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci
25. “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean
26. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela
27. “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” – Suzy Kassem
28. “Never, never, never give up.” – Winston Churchill
29. “It hurt because it mattered.” – John Green
30. “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
31. “All limitations are self-imposed.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
32. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S Eliot
33. “There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
34. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill
35. “Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” – Jim Rohn

Bio IG Keren Bahasa Inggris Islami

1. My purpose in life is to please Allah.
2. Islam is the light of my life.
3. Trusting Allah’s plan for my life.
4. Alhamdulillah for everything.
5. A work in progress, guided by faith.
6. Seeking knowledge and seeking Allah’s pleasure.
7. Allah is the best planner.
8. A servant of Allah, trying to do my best.
9. Relying on Allah’s guidance in every decision.
10. Striving to live a life of purpose and meaning.
11. Just a simple Muslim striving for Jannah.
12. Forever grateful for Allah’s blessings.
13. Living life for the sake of Allah.
14. A soul in search of Allah’s love and mercy.
15. Seeking inner peace through Salah and Quran.
16. Humble servant of Allah, always.
17. Grateful for Allah’s guidance and protection.
18. Focusing on my akhirah, one day at a time.
19. Believing in Allah’s promise of Jannah for the believers.
20. Seeking Allah’s forgiveness and repentance for past mistakes.
21. Striving to be a better version of myself every day.
22. Surrendering to Allah’s will and trusting His plan.
23. Trying to live up to the high standards set by Islam.
24. My heart belongs to Allah alone.
25. Surrendering my heart and soul to Allah.
26. Hoping for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.
27. A simple Muslim striving for Jannah.
28. Always seeking to better myself for Allah’s sake.
29. Trust Allah’s timing and plan for my life.
30. Walking on the straight path towards Jannah.
31. Surrendering my worries to Allah and trusting him fully.
32. Asking Allah for forgiveness and mercy daily.
33. Trying to be a positive influence on those around me.
34. Relying on Allah’s guidance in every decision.
35. Striving to live a life of purpose and meaning.

Itulah kumpulan bio IG keren bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan referensi. Bio bisa digunakan sebagai identitas atau intro untuk perkenalan bagi pengguna yang ingin mengikuti Anda.

Editor: Safrezi

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