40 Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris, Cocok untuk Caption Sosmed

Ghina Aulia
28 Desember 2023, 16:49
Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris
Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris

Tahun baru 2024 akan segera tiba. Menjadi hal yang umum bagi orang-orang untuk menyampaikan sukacita dengan ucapan yang berisi harapan dan semangat untuk satu tahun ke depan.

Ucapan tahun baru bisa diartikan sebagai pesan yang berisi harapan baik yang diberikan kepada orang lain sebagai bentuk menyambut tahun yang akan datang. Ucapan bersifat positif, untuk masa depan, dan sukacita.

Terdapat berbagai cara untuk mengirim ucapan tahun baru. Anda dapat menyampaikannya secara langsung, melalui telepon, melalui pesan teks, atau dengan mengirim kartu.

Pada kesempatan ini, Katadata.co.id ingin memberikan banyak contoh ucapan tahun baru bahasa Inggris untuk menyambut tahun 2024. Selengkapnya, simak tulisan berikut.

Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris

1. A year is not merely a span of 365 days but a canvas upon which we paint our aspirations, carve our achievements, and weave the threads of our relationships. As we stand on the threshold of a New Year, may your palette be filled with vibrant hues of success, your chisel etching moments of profound joy, and your loom crafting connections that withstand the test of time.

2. The New Year is a blank canvas, waiting for the brush strokes of your intentions, the splashes of your passions, and the artistry of your dreams. May you paint a masterpiece that reflects the depth of your soul and the brilliance of your spirit. Happy New Year!

3. You know how I always dread the whole year? Well this time I’m only going to dread one day at a time.

4. As the clock ticks away the seconds of the old year, let it also chime the arrival of a new chapter in the book of your life. May this chapter be filled with adventures that challenge you, moments that inspire you, and a storyline that is uniquely yours. Wishing you a year of compelling narratives and beautiful prose.

5. Life is a grand adventure, and the New Year is a fresh chapter waiting to be written. May your journey be filled with exciting twists, breathtaking scenery, and meaningful encounters. May you find the courage to explore uncharted territories and the wisdom to

6. As the calendar turns its pages, may you find yourself immersed in the story of a New Year, where each chapter unfolds with the promise of adventure and growth. May you navigate the plot twists with grace, savor the climactic moments with joy, and relish the quiet interludes with gratitude. Here's to a narrative that captivates your heart.

7. A worthy New Year's resolution, perhaps, is to take no hatred into the New Year without requiring it to restate its purpose.

8. Just as the stars illuminate the night sky, may the New Year light up your path with possibilities and opportunities. May you navigate through the constellations of challenges and bask in the radiance of success. Here's to a year where you shine as brightly as the North Star, guiding your journey with unwavering brilliance.

9. Let our New Year’s resolution be this: We will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.

10. In the grand theater of existence, the curtains rise on a new act with the advent of the New Year. May you play the lead role in your story, delivering lines of resilience, embracing plot twists with grace, and relishing the applause of accomplishment. Break a leg in this grand production called life!

Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris

11. May God shower you and your family with love and happiness! Best wishes and season's greetings for the New Year.

12. As the New Year dawns, stand on the threshold of possibility with a heart full of gratitude for the past and a spirit brimming with enthusiasm for the future. May you embrace the unfolding moments with open arms, recognizing each day as a gift to be unwrapped and cherished. Here's to a year of abundant joy, profound growth, and enduring love.

13. As the clock strikes midnight, ushering in a new era, let the echoes of laughter, the warmth of love, and the symphony of shared dreams fill the air. May the New Year be a grand celebration of life's precious moments, a harmonious melody composed of experiences that resonate with the chords of your heart.

14. Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.

15. Wishing you a Happy New Year, bursting with fulfilling and exciting opportunities. And remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!

16. Happy New Year! Let's toast to yesterday's achievements and tomorrow's bright future.

17. Wishing you a fresh start with renewed energy and confidence throughout the New Year.

18. Wishing you a year of good health, happiness, and new adventures. Happy New Year!

19. Any new beginning is forged from the shards of the past, not from the abandonment of the past.

20. As the sun sets on the past year, may the dawn of the New Year bring forth a tapestry of dreams woven with hope, courage, and endless possibilities. May you embark on this journey with an open heart, embracing the challenges and cherishing the triumphs that lie ahead. Happy New Year!

Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris

21. Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but my New Year's resolution is to stop feeling guilty about not keeping last year's resolution.

22. In the New Year, never forget to thank your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future!

23. May God shower you and your family with love and happiness! Best wishes and season's greetings for the New Year. Wishing you a blessed and prosperous New Year!

24. An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.

25. In this New Year, I look forward to more moments of collaboration, innovation, and shared success with you, my wonderful partner. Let's make it a year to remember!

26. May joy and peace surround you, contentment latch your door and happiness be with you now, and bless you evermore!

27. Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to.

28. You can't go back and make a new start, but you can start right now and make a brand-new ending.

29. After a tough year, may the New Year bring you the strength to overcome any obstacles and the determination to turn difficulties into opportunities. Wishing you a brighter and more peaceful year ahead.

30. Happy New Year! I can't believe another year has passed so quickly. In the words of Michael Altshuler, "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot!"

Ucapan Tahun Baru Bahasa Inggris

31. Resolve to make each day the beginning of a new year, a new morning, a new adventure. Enjoy the blessings of a new year.

32. I hope that this new year is a year of making memories and growing closer - you mean so much to me.

33. May the coming year bring you the strength to overcome challenges, the courage to chase your dreams, and the love that enriches your life. Happy New Year!

34. With the turning of the calendar and the arrival of a New Year, may you find renewed hope, inspiration, and determination to achieve your dreams.

35. Here's to the dreams we've yet to dream and the adventures we've yet to experience. May the New Year be full of exciting possibilities. Happy New Year!

36. Happy New Year, my love! Here's to new adventures, taking risks, not sweating the small stuff, and creating more beautiful memories together.

37. Happy New Year, my love! I feel I can get through anything with you by my side, and I hope you feel the same way too. Wishing you all your heart's desires in 2024.

38. Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.

39. In this New Year, I wish you the kind of happiness that truly warms your heart, brings a smile to your face, and lights up your life. Happy New Year!

40. I can't believe it's that time of year again! Time sure flies when we're having fun! I am so lucky to have shared it with you. Happy New Year!

Itulah kumpulan ucapan tahun baru bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan sebagai ungkapan sukacita menyambut hari baru. Anda juga bisa menggunakannya sebagai caption pada unggahan sosial media.

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