80 Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

Ghina Aulia
13 Oktober 2023, 08:17
Ucapan ulang tahun untuk pacar bahasa Inggris.
Ilustrasi, pasangan.

Mengungkapkan rasa cinta kepada pasangan bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Hal ini dikaji lebih lanjut oleh sejumlah ilmuwan dan banyak diperbincangkan beberapa tahun belakangan, khususnya anak muda.

Sebut saja Love Language yang terbagi menjadi lima. Salah satunya yaitu Words of Affirmation. Bahasa cinta ini berfokus pada pernyataan verbal dan tertulis tentang cinta dan kasih sayang seseorang.

Salah satunya dengan mengucapkan hari peringatan atau momen berharga bagi pasangan. Seperti hari jadi hubungan, ulang tahun, perayaan kelulusan, dan lain sebagainya.

Terkait dengan itu, kali ini Katadata.co.id akan memberikan banyak referensi ucapan ulang tahun untuk pacar bahasa Inggris. Cocok bagi Anda yang memiliki bahasa cinta Words of Affirmation, simak tulisan berikut ini.

Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Pacar Bahasa Inggris

1. I love you more than you will ever know, birthday boy. May all your wishes come true! God bless you!
2. I am your crazy lover baby, and you are my star. Happy birthday to you!
3. If wishes were roses, you’d be my garden. Happy birthday, my love.
4. I wish your birthday is as amazing and full of love as you are. You deserve only the best, and I wish all of that for you! Happy birthday, my love.
5. Ever since you walked into my life, everything seems perfect. I love you, and I want to hold your hand while you blow out the candles every year. Happy birthday, sweetheart!
6. I am going to shout from the rooftops that today is my boo’s special day. Happy birthday!
7. Thanks to your mom for bringing such an amazing human being into this world. You make my life beautiful. Happy birthday!
8. With every passing year, you get more and more good-looking. I love the way you smile at me. Happy birthday.
9. Even though you are a little bit shy, you will always be my number one guy. Happy birthday my little star.
10. You be my superman, and I be your crazy fan. I love you, hero. Happy birthday!
11. You are the most handsome person in the world, but what really wins my heart is your smile. Happy birthday!
12. May you be as happy on this special day as you keep me always. Happy birthday, my love!
13. Even in a room full of people, my eyes would still search for you. Happy birthday to the boy I fell in love with.
14. Today is the birthday of the sweetest person on earth. I am really lucky to have you! Happy Birthday, love!
15. To my best friend, my lover, and my life. You bring a smile to my face and make my life worth living. Happy Birthday, my love!
16. Happy birthday, cuteness. I love you a lot. Enjoy your day to the fullest.
17. I wish you loads of happiness and success. With loads of love, happy birthday dear.
18. You make my life complete. Happy birthday, my love!
19. You sweep me off my feet. Happy birthday my rock hard support and the apple of my eye. I love you so much.
20. If I could afford it, I’d give you the galaxy. Because that’s how you light up my world. I love you so much. Happy birthday, love.

Editor: Safrezi
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