Menilik Teks Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak SMA

Annisa Fianni Sisma
7 Juni 2023, 11:24
Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak SMA
Ilustrasi, memperkenalkan diri.

Memperkenalkan diri merupakan langkah pertama dalam memulai hubungan dengan orang lain. Berkaitan dengan itu, menarik menilik teks perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk anak SMA.

Perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk anak SMA sebenarnya cukup menggunakan kosa kata yang sederhana. Namun, akan lebih baik lagi jika melihat contoh-contoh untuk memperkaya perbendaharaan kata.

Agar mampu membuat perkenalan menjadi lebih bermakna dan menarik, gunakan bahasa Inggris yang tepat dan jelas. Simak teks perkenalan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk anak SMA dalam uraian berikut sebagai contoh.

Teks Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak SMA

Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak SMA
Perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak SMA (Pexels) 

"Hi, good morning, my friends and my teacher. I hope you're all in good health and happy.

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is [write full name] and you guys can call me [write nickname]. I am a junior high school student in grade X.

I come from [write hometown] and I live in [write area of residence]. My mom is a [mention parents' occupation] and my dad is a [mention parents' occupation.

Let me add some of my hobbies. I have some interesting hobbies. I hope there are friends here who have the same hobbies as me. That way, we can do fun things together.

I like singing, playing the guitar, playing the piano, and dancing. Music allows me to express my feelings with the lyrics and melodies.

Apart from that, I also like learning. Learning about something makes me motivated to understand it further. Learning about something makes you feel involved and amazing.

I like civic education subjects. The reason is that I want to know the history of Indonesia, the famous and phenomenal figures, the dark side and the bright side behind all the stories, and the records of the heroes' struggles.

All these things made me realise the meaning of independence. It made me realise how lucky we all are today. It made me realise how amazing we can be from this.

Besides that, I also like psychology. I like it because I can understand humans better. The science of humans has always been fascinating to me.

That's a brief introduction about myself. Hopefully, we can be good friends. Let's find out more together for my friends who are interested in the same things as me."

Editor: Agung
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