In this episode, our host Gundy Cahyadi talks to Dharsono Hartono. Dharsono is CEO of Rimba Makmur Utama, the company that manages the Katingan Mentaya Project. Katingan Mentaya is a forest conservation project in Central Kalimantan. It produces 7.5 million certified carbon credits annually, making it the largest project of its kind in the world.

Dharsono shares about the early struggles of the Katingan Mentaya project. More importantly, what also sets its carbon quality standards from others. With efforts to go into net-zero emission underway in many parts of the world, including Indonesia, carbon trading continues to gain momentum as one way during the transition period. 
Some estimate the global carbon markets reaching USD 851 billion in 2021. Carbon trading in Indonesia itself has also reached the billion dollar mark in recent years. Indonesia also has a large area of mangrove forest and peatland, which can increase the value of carbon trading. So, just how big is the potential for carbon trading in Indonesia?
You can listen to their discussion "Indonesia’s Carbon Trading Potential" in Off The Script, a podcast series presented by Katadata Podcasts