Kumpulan Contoh Soal TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya

Test of English as a Foreign Language atau tes TOEFL adalah tes yang bertujuan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris bagi bukan penutur asli. Tes TOEFL digunakan dalam bidang pendidikan, pekerjaan dan imigrasi.
Menurut Educational Testing Service (ETS), tes TOEFL diselenggarakan dalam dua format, yaitu tes TOEFL iBT dan tes TOEFL PBT. TOEFL iBT adalah tes komputer dengan waktu empat jam yang terdiri dari membaca, mendengarkan, berbicara, dan menulis. Skor TOEFL iBT berkisar antara 0 hingga 120.
TOEFL PBT adalah versi lama dari TOEFL iBT dan hanya tersedia di negara-negara tertentu. Jenis tes ini mengevaluasi aspek mendengarkan, struktur dan membaca. Skor TOEFL PBT berkisar antara 0 hingga 677.
Contoh Soal TOEFL dan Kunci Jawabannya
Berikut contoh soal TOEFL dan kunci jawabannya dikutip dari berbagai sumber.
Contoh Soal TOEFL Bagian Struktur
1. The Eiffel Tower ___________ Paris, France.
- landmarks
- is landmarked in
- is a landmark in
- is in a landmark
2. Young deer _________.
- are called fawns
- be fawns
- is fawns
- are fawns called
3. Not until a dog is several months old does it begin to exhibit signs of independence ___________.
- its mother from
- from mother
- to mother
- from its mother
4. To score a goal in soccer you ________.
- must kick the ball
- must kicks the ball
- may kick them ball
- must kick them balls
5. The observation deck at the Sears Tower _________ in Chicago.
- is highest than any other one
- is highest then any other one
- is higher than any other one
- is higher that any other one
6. If it _________ so cloudy, we would plan on having the fair outside.
- was
- was not
- weren’t
- had not
7. At the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman _________ for the vice presidency.
- to being nominated
- to has been nominated
- to have been nominated
- to will be nominated
8. _______ chocolate will give you a tummy ache.
- Eat too much
- Eating to much
- Eating too much
- Eating too many
9. If she ____________ to advance her clock one hour, she wouldn’t have been late for work.
- should have remembered
- could remembered
- remembered
- would have remembered
10. A dream about falling _________.
- scary is
- is scary
- are scary
- very scary is
Kunci jawaban:
- C
- A
- D
- A
- C
- B
- C
- C
- D
- B
Contoh Soal TOEFL Bagian Membaca
Berikut contoh soal TOEFL bagian membaca dikutip dari buku Peterson's Master TOEFL Reading Skills.
The cabildo, which is Spanish for “municipal council,” was the fundamental unit of local government in colonial Spanish America. Following a tradition going back to the Romans, the Spanish considered the city to be of paramount importance, with the surrounding countryside directly subordinate to it.
In local affairs, each municipality in Hispanic America was governed by its cabildo, or council, in a manner reminiscent of Castilian towns in the late Middle Ages. A council’s members and magistrates, together with the local judge appointed by the king, enjoyed considerable prestige and power. The size of a council varied but was always small. The cabildos of important cities, such as Lima and Mexico, had about 12 members.
The cabildo was in charge of all ordinary aspects of municipal government—e.g., policing, sanitation, taxation, the supervision of building, price and wage regulation, and the administration of justice. To assist them in these responsibilities, the city councilors appointed various officials, such as tax collectors, inspectors of weights and measures and the markets, and peace officers. In spite of royal decrees to promote honest and efficient city government, the cabildos were often corrupt and rapacious.
By the mid-sixteenth century, appointments to cabildos were ordinarily made by the Spanish crown and sometimes became hereditary. Occasionally, the propertied class in a city elected some of the councilors. Sometimes citizens were asked to attend an open town meeting on important matters. Such open meetings became very important to the movement for the independence of Hispanic America in the early nineteenth century.
1. Which choice does the word “paramount” as used in line 6 refer to?
- Fundamental
- Government
- Tradition
- Surrounding
2. Where was the cabildo used as a form of government?
- In Roman colonies
- In Spanish colonies
- In Roman provinces
- In Spanish provinces
3. Which of the following answer choices is closest in meaning to the word “reminiscent” as used in lines 11–12?
- Suggesting something in the past
- Suggesting a schedule or agenda
- Suggesting a small village
- Suggesting an odor
4. According to the passage, how was a local judge in Hispanic America selected?
- He was elected by the council.
- Hewas appointed by the king.
- He was chosen by the town's wealthy citizens.
- He was the richest man in the town.
5. According to the passage, how many councilors did Lima have?
- Ten
- Eleven
- Twelve
- Thirteen
6. From the passage it can be inferred that some cabildos were
- poorly educated
- important
- corrupt
- independent
7. What word does the phrase “peace officers” as used in line 29 refer to?
- Sanitation
- Policing
- Assist
- Tax collectors
8. Which is closest in meaning to the word in the passage “responsibilities” as used in lines 25–26?
- Duties
- Wages
- Sanitation
- Inspections
9. From the passage it can be inferred that by the mid-sixteenth century, the cabildo was all of the following EXCEPT:
- Elected by all registered voters
- Appointed by the king
- Came from the propertied class
- Was an inherited office
10. Where can the following sentence best be added to the passage?
“Debates were sometimes heated, and the wealthy landowners had to defend their positions by arresting their opponents.”
- At the end of paragraph 1
- At the end of paragraph 2
- After the words “peace officers” in paragraph 3
- After the words "important matters" in paragraph 4
Kunci jawaban:
- A
- B
- A
- B
- C
- D
- B
- A
- A
- B
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