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©2024 Katadata. Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-undang.
agusdd, databoks, data engineer
Agus Dwi Darmawan
Agus Dwi Darmawan, currently at Katadata Indonesia as Assistant Data Manager. As lead data project, Agus also development prototype, features, building and optimizing data dashboard to support many kind of project e.g Mapping the Gas Customers, Indeks Kelola, DCI (Digital Competitiveness Index) collaborative Katadata with East Ventures. He involved in developing machine learning (clustering), project data model, and others. In the business strategy, he also control the value proposition and featuring set in the databoks website. Agus has 8 years experience to build up Katadata's infrastructure e.g MySQL, GCP, AWS Server, Python, PHP, Data Visualizaton Tools and some of Javascript programming to support project.
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