30 Ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 Bahasa Inggris Penuh Makna

Destiara Anggita Putri
30 April 2024, 13:35
Ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 Bahasa Inggris


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Hari Pendidikan Nasional atau biasa disingkat sebagai Hardiknas selalu diperingati tanggal 2 Mei setiap tahunnya. Untuk tahun ini, Hardiknas akan diperingati pada Kamis, 2 Mei 2024 dengan mengusung tema ‘Bergerak Bersama, Lanjutkan Merdeka Belajar’.

Peringatan ini dilakukan setiap tahunnya dengan tujuan untuk mengenang Hari Kelahiran Ki Hadjar Dewantara, salah satu pahlawan nasional yang juga dikenal sebagai Bapak Pendidikan.

Ada banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk merayakan Hari Pendidikan Nasional. Salah satunya adalah dengan membagikan ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 yang penuh makna di media sosial.

Tidak hanya dalam bahasa Indonesia, ucapan ini juga bisa dikirimkan dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut di bawah ini kumpulan ucapannya yang bisa dibagikan.

Ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 Bahasa Inggris

Berikut ini 30 ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa dibagikan di media sosial untuk memeriahkan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 pada 2 Mei mendatang.

Ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Bahasa Inggris
Ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 Bahasa Inggris (Freepik)
  1. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, all the problems of education lately can be quickly resolved."
  2. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, my Indonesia can be developed, starting from the best quality education and resultant products."
  3.  "Happy Education Day. Hope by commemorating the education day, all of us can increasingly understand the importance of education for Indonesia."
  4. "Happy Education Day. To control the country, we need someone who can control the information for themselves."
  5.  "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully, educators in Indonesia is really can be an example and role model for their students."
  6. "The power of education must never be underestimated. The Goodness of education must never be ignored. A very Happy National Education Day."
  7. "When you teach a child, you bring a change to their life for good. Never miss a chance to educate a child. Happy National Education Day."
  8.  "On this occasion that celebrates the importance of education, let us always make our contribution towards educating a child. Happy National Education Day!"
  9.  "Let’s continue to make contributions to the lives of children. Let’s continue to keep educating them. Warm wishes to everyone on National Education Day."
  10. "Happy National Education Day. Hope by commemorating the education day, all of us can increasingly understand the importance of education for Indonesia."
  11. "Dream high, study harder and prove that we can conquer the world through education. Happy National Education Day!"
  12. "Having a higher and better education will determine what kind of person you will be in the future. Be wise to choose your education. Happy National Education Day!"
  13. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully Education in Indonesia can be enjoyed equally and to all citizens of Indonesia."
  14. "Indonesian needs the best leader, the leader who come from the citizen, but the educational citizen. So, if we want to have great leaders, all of us should support the education. Happy Education Day."
  15. "Dear all teachers in this world, thank you for teaching us the importance of studying for the future. Thank you for being patient with us. Your services have shaped the nation's future through education."
  16. "Dream high, study harder and prove that we can conquer the world through education. Happy National Education Day!"
  17. "Every child deserves education but sadly even in present times, not every child has access to it. Warm wishes on National Education Day to all."
  18. "When you teach a child, you are bringing a beautiful change in his life. Warm wishes on National Education Day."
  19.  "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Happy National Education Day!"
  20. "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Warm wishes to everyone on National Education Day."
  21. "Long live the education system in Indonesia and hopefully, the educators and students will continue to be enthusiastic. Happy National Education Day."
  22. "The struggle is difficult, but difficulties can be resolved with struggle, too. Happy National Education Day 2024."
  23. "Having a higher and better education will determine what kind of person you will be in the future. Be wise to choose your education. Happy National Education Day!"
  24. "Happy National Education Day. Hopefully Education in Indonesia can be enjoyed equally and to all citizens of Indonesia"
  25. "Dear all teachers in this world, thank you for teaching us the importance of studying for the future. Thank you for being patient with us. Your services have shaped the nation's future through education."
  26. "Ki Hadjar Dewantara was a pioneer of education in the colonial era. His services inspire us to become strong individuals. Happy Birthday to the Father of Indonesian Education!"
  27. "Happy National Education Day 2024. Let's pray for education fighters wherever they are, so that they will always be given strength. For those who have fallen, may they be given the best place by His side."
  28. "Happy National Education Day. Let's support and continue the dream so that education for every Indonesian child is evenly distributed throughout."
  29. "Education is no longer cheap, it is just a generosity to share knowledge and knowledge for those who have not tasted the world of education. Happy National Education Day"
  30. "People who have ethical intelligence always think and feel and always use definite and permanent measures, scales, and basics."

Itulah 30 ucapan Hari Pendidikan Nasional 2024 bahasa Inggris yang penuh makna untuk dibagikan di media sosial agar bisa turut serta memeriahkan peringatan penting di Indonesia ini. 

Editor: Safrezi

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