10 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Guru sebagai Bentuk Apresiasi

Destiara Anggita Putri
23 Februari 2023, 11:37
 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Guru
Ilustrasi, guru.

Puisi merupakan salah satu katya sastra yang sering digunakan untuk menyampaikan perasaan kepada orang lain. Dikutip dari Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), puisi adalah ragam sastra yang bahasanya terikat oleh irama, matra, rima, serta penyusunan larik dan bait.

Puisi bisa disampaikan dalam berbagai bahasa termasuk dalam bahasa Inggris. Menulis puisi bahasa Inggris juga dapat dijadikan salah satu cara untuk melatih grammar dan tenses.

Ada berbagai tema yang bisa ditulis dalam puisi bahasa Inggris. Salah satunya yaitu menulis puisi tentang guru sebagai bentuk apresiasi atas dedikasinya selama mengajar.

Bila Anda ingin membuat puisi serupa, berikut beberapa contohnya di bawah ini. 

Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Guru 

Berikut ini 10 contoh puisi bahasa Inggris yang bisa dijadikan inspirasi bila ingin membuat puisi dengan tema serupa. 

Langkah Menulis Puisi
 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Guru (Unsplash)

Contoh Puisi 1: My Teacher

You are the light in the darkness

Illuminate our path towards the light

You are bridge

Who drove us to the dream Thank you, O teacher


Your services were invaluable

always remembered millions of human beings


Engraved in gold ink education Although we often do not understand

Often only can make you angry


You wait with patience

Without asking quit teaching to us May you be embraced by god


You juxtaposed the residents of heaven

With drops of your knowledge


We pray, You’ve kept beloved god

Contoh Puisi 2: Dear My Beloved Teacher

Thou are my lantern in the darkness

Thou are my cool dew, in dryness

Thou are my guide, in blindness

Thou are my friend in loneliness

Thou give us answer to our problems

Thou give us hope of our despairs

Thou give us the direction of our loss

Thou give us the beauty in the silences

Thou battled for the sake of our goodness

Thou create an educated man

Thou are fighting against poverty

Thou pinned the nation’s hopes on our shoulders

Thou are the rainbow in the storm

Like a warrior in the middle of the fight

Thou are the rain in the Gobi Desert

Like a ray of hope in the midst of uncertainty

Oh my teacher…

Thou are a true hero

Thou are the one who always we wait for

Oh, we will not be able to pay your kindness till death come

Contoh Puisi 3: You Are My Teacher

I am happy that you are my teacher

I enjoy each lesson that you teach


As my role model you inspire me

To dream and to work and to reach


Thank You, Teacher

Thank you, teacher, for everything


You’ve helped me achieve

You believed in me when no one else would

And you encouraged me to reach for the stars

Thank you for your patience and understanding,

For always lending a listening ear


You’ve been more than just a teacher to me,

You’ve been a friend and a mentor


Thank you for your guidance and support,

For always being there,


I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you,

And for that, I will be forever grateful.

Contoh Puisi 4: A Teacher’s Appreciation

There are no words to truly express, 

How much teachers are appreciated


For all the hard work and dedication,

For all the time and effort you put in


Thank you, teachers, from the bottom of our hearts,

And we will never be able to thank you enough.

Contoh Puisi 5: A Teacher’s Influence

You may not always see it,

But teachers have a great influence,


They shape the minds of young people,

And help mold them into who they will become


Teachers have the power to change lives,

To inspire and motivate,


They can make a difference in the world,

And that is why they are so important


Thank you, teachers, for everything you do

You are truly making a difference.

Contoh Puisi 4 Bait
 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris tentang Guru (Unsplash)

Contoh Puisi 6: Teacher

When God created teachers

He gave us special friends

To help us understand His world

And truly comprehend

The beauty and the wonder

Of everything we see

And become a better person

With each discovery.

Contoh Puisi 7: Thank You

Thank you, special teacher,

for helping me to know

The things I need to learn

to live my life and grow

I feel good with you because

your teaching makes me see

If I work at it, I can do it

Thank you for showing me!

Contoh Puisi 8: A Teacher’s Legacy 

Teachers leave a lasting impression, 

Long after they are gone, 

They touch our lives in ways we never forget, 

And we carry their lessons with us always

A good teacher is someone who we remember,

For the rest of our lives

Someone who has made a difference,

And has helped us to become the best we can be

Thank you, teachers, for your lasting legacy.

Contoh Puisi 9: To Our Dear Teacher 

To our dear teacher,

We thank you for all that you’ve done,

For teaching us and guiding us,

And making us into who we are today

You’ve been like a second parent to us, 

And we’ll never forget all that you’ve done

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Contoh Puisi 10: A Teacher’s Love

A teacher’s love is never ending,

It’s like a rose, so beautiful

It fills our hearts with happiness,

Your love for us is so pure,

And we’ll never forget how much you’ve done

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

Editor: Agung

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