4 Contoh Cerita Liburan di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Destiara Anggita Putri
24 Januari 2024, 13:08
Cerita Liburan di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat
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Liburan sekolah selalu menjadi momen yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para siswa. Pasalnya, mereka bisa beristirahat sejenak dari padatnya kegiatan sekolah. 

Ketika masa liburan selesai dan siswa kembali masuk sekolah, mereka biasanya akan diberikan tugas untuk menulis cerita liburan sekolah. Tidak hanya dalam bahasa Indonesia, terkadang ada juga guru yang meminta siswa untuk membuatnya dalam bahasa Inggris.

Hal ini sendiri bertujuan untuk membantu mengembangkan keterampilan menulis serta meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap bahasa tersebut.

Bila Anda juga mendapatkan tugas yang serupa, ada banyak contohnya yang bisa dijadikan sebagai referensi. Salah satunya yaitu cerita liburan di rumah seperti yang ada di bawah ini. 

Cerita Liburan di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Berikut ini empat contoh cerita liburan di rumah dalam bahasa Inggris singkat dari berbagai sumber sebagai referensi untuk tugas sekolah.  

Cerita Liburan di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat
Cerita Liburan di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat (Freepik) 

Contoh 1

My relaxing vacation happened this semester. Every day for the past two weeks, I stayed at home and did the same thing every day.

The first activity I do in the morning is the morning prayer, then I had breakfast with my mom's delicious cooking.

I felt relaxed feeding cats and pet fish at home. Sometimes, Dad invites me to go cycling in the morning.

In the afternoon, I ate my mom's homemade lunch and I often fell asleep on the couch while watching the television.

Waking up from my afternoon nap, I always take a shower and help my mom prepare a menu for dinner.

As the night comes, my family and I have dinner together and then continue watching television shows or watching movie series on Netflix.

So that's what I usually do during school holidays. Even though everyday is repetitive, all the activities I do does not make me bored.

Contoh 2

During my holiday break, I decided to spend some time at home. It was a welcome change from my usual routine of going to school and doing homework.

I spent the first few days just relaxing and catching up on some much-needed sleep. I also spent a lot of time with my family, which was nice because we don’t always get to spend as much time together as we would like.

One of the things I enjoyed most about being at home was being able to cook my own meals. I love to cook, and I was able to try out some new recipes that I had been wanting to try. I also made some of my favorite dishes, like my mom’s famous lasagna and my dad’s delicious grilled chicken.

Another thing I enjoyed was being able to catch up on some of my favorite TV shows and movies. I was able to watch a lot of new releases that I had missed while I was busy with school. I also spent some time playing video games and reading books, which was a nice way to relax and unwind.

Overall, I had a great time spending my holiday break at home. It was a much-needed break from my usual routine, and it was nice to be able to spend some quality time with my family. I’m already looking forward to my next holiday at home.

Editor: Agung
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