25 Contoh Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional Bahasa Inggris

Anggi Mardiana
8 Maret 2024, 11:55
Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional Bahasa Inggris
Dok. UN Women
Ilustrasi, Hari Perempuan Internasional.
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Salah satu cara untuk merayakan hari internasional untuk perempuan, yang dirayakan setiap 8 Maret, adalah dengan membagikan ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional bahasa Inggris. Membagikan ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris membuat pesan yang ingin disampaikan dapat menjangkau lebih banyak orang.

Dengan mengucapkan selamat, kita tidak hanya mengakui peran penting perempuan dalam masyarakat, tetapi juga memberikan penghormatan atas perjuangan para perempuan dalam menghadapi tantangan dan diskriminasi yang sering kali menghalangi kemajuan mereka.

Membagikan ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional bahasa Inggris juga merupakan panggilan untuk tindakan nyata dalam memperjuangkan kesetaraan gender, serta mengakhiri diskriminasi terhadap perempuan. Dengan mengucapkan selamat, kita mengingatkan bahwa masih banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan ini, baik di tingkat lokal maupun global.

Contoh Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional Bahasa Inggris

Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional 2024
Ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional Bahasa Inggris (Unsplash)

Hari Perempuan Internasional 2024, atau International Women's Day (IWD) merupakan perayaan global yang dirayakan setiap tanggal 8 Maret. IWD merupakan kesempatan bagi seluruh masyarakat untuk bersama-sama memperjuangkan hak-hak perempuan, serta mengingatkan akan pentingnya kesetaraan gender.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh ucapan Hari Perempuan Internasional bahasa Inggris yang dapat menjadi referensi.

  1. Happy International Women's Day to the trailblazing women who continue to break barriers and pave the way for future generations.
  2. Cheers to the women who inspire positive change and empower others. Happy International Women's Day!
  3. Happy International Women's Day to all the trailblazers, innovators, and change-makers. Keep inspiring us!
  4. Cheers to the amazing women who continue to break barriers and shatter glass ceilings. Happy International Women's Day!
  5. On International Women's Day, let's honor the courage and determination of women who have paved the way for progress.
  6. Wishing a Happy International Women's Day to all the strong, fearless, and resilient women who make a difference every day.
  7. To all the women who inspire us with their strength and grace, Happy International Women's Day!
  8. Happy International Women's Day to the women who lift each other up and support one another on this journey.
  9. Here's to the women who dare to dream and chase their ambitions fearlessly. Happy International Women's Day!
  10. Happy International Women's Day to all mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends who make our lives brighter.
  11. Happy International Women's Day to the women who lead with compassion, resilience, and kindness.
  12. Happy International Women's Day to all the strong and resilient women who continue to inspire us every day.
  13. Here's to women who challenge stereotypes, defy expectations, and break barriers. Happy International Women's Day!
  14. Happy International Women's Day to the women who fight for justice, equality, and human rights.
  15. Celebrating the diversity and strength of women around the world. Happy International Women's Day!
  16. Happy International Women's Day to all the unsung heroes whose contributions often go unnoticed but make a significant impact.
  17. Wishing a Happy International Women's Day to all the women who continue to inspire positive change in their communities.
  18. Happy International Women's Day! Let's continue to champion gender equality and create a more inclusive world for all.
  19. Celebrating the achievements and resilience of women everywhere. Happy International Women's Day!
  20. Happy International Women's Day to all the women who refuse to be limited by society's expectations and stereotypes.
  21. Wishing a Happy International Women's Day to all the women who make the world a more beautiful and inclusive place.
  22. To all the women who inspire, empower, and lead with grace, Happy International Women's Day! Your impact is immeasurable.
  23. Happy International Women's Day to all the fearless women who embrace their uniqueness and inspire others to do the same.
  24. Here's to the women who advocate for change, challenge the status quo, and make their voices heard. Happy International Women's Day!
  25. Wishing a Happy International Women's Day to all the extraordinary women who make a difference in the world, one step at a time.

Sejarah Hari Perempuan Internasional

Akar hari perayaan internasional untuk perempuan ini, dapat ditelusuri kembali ke gerakan buruh dan hak-hak perempuan di akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20.

Di Amerika Serikat (AS), Hari Perempuan Nasional pertama diperingati pada 28 Februari 1909, yang diselenggarakan oleh Partai Sosialis Amerika untuk menuntut kondisi kerja yang lebih baik dan hak pilih. Terinspirasi oleh peristiwa ini, aktivis hak-hak perempuan di seluruh dunia mulai menyerukan hari solidaritas dan aksi internasional.

Editor: Agung
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