Mengenal Struktur dan Contoh Teks Narrative Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi, contoh teks narrative bahasa Inggris.
Penulis: Husen Mulachela
Editor: Agung
6/4/2022, 15.13 WIB

Contoh teks narrative bahasa Inggris banyak bertebaran di berbagai soal bahasa Inggris maupun di media online. Teks ini berfungsi menyajikan karangan cerita yang runut. Peristiwa atau kejadian bisa benar-benar terjadi atau hanya khayalan.

Umumnya kalimat dalam teks narasi bertujuan untuk menghibur pembaca. Teks narasi memberikan pengetahuan pembaca mengenai sebuah cerita baik itu fiksi (karangan) atau non fiksi. Tujuan teks narasi selain menghibur yaitu memberi pengalaman estetis pada pembaca, menambah pengetahuan, informasi, dan wawasan pada pembaca.

Contoh teks naratif adalah cerpen, novel, dan cerita inspirasi tentang perjuangan hidup seseorang. Cerita inspirasi ini banyak yang dibukukan dan dibaca orang karena memiliki pengaruh positif untuk diikuti oleh pembaca. Jenis teks narasi dalam cerpen atau novel fiksi bisa bermacam-macam, seperti fabel (cerita hewan), mitos, legenda, cerita rakyat (folkore), dongeng, cerita romantis, horor, cerita sehari-hari, sains fiksi.

Ciri-ciri Teks Narrative

Adapun ciri-ciri teks narrative dalam bahasa Inggris, di antaranya:

  • Fokus pada satu tokoh atau pelaku dan biasanya individual sehingga biasanya menggunakan kata ganti I, we, she, dan he.
  • Sering menggunakan beberapa bentuk past tense.
  • Terkadang menyematkan dialog.
  • Menggunakan kata sambung agar cerita terlihat urut.

Struktur Teks Narrative

Ada empat struktur dalam teks narrative, yaitu orientasi, komplikasi, resolusi, dan reorientasi. Mengutip dari modul “Teks Narasi dan Literasi Buku Fiksi dan Non Fiksi Kelas IX”, berikut penjelasan mengenai struktur teks narasi:


Menjelaskan latar waktu, tempat, penjelasan tokoh dan wataknya. Teks narasi menceritakan sudut pandang setiap tokoh.


Dalam teks narasi ada peristiwa atau kejadian penting. Peristiwa ini diceritakan secara detail mulai dari penyebab, pemicu, sampai timbulnya konflik antar tokoh.


Struktur ketiga menceritakan konflik cerita yang semakin menurun. Kemudian konflik bisa diselesaikan.


Struktur keempat adalah penutup teks. Dalam teks narrative, penutup menyampaikan pesan moral dari cerita tersebut. Namun, reorientasi sifatnya opsional bisa tidak dihadirkan dalam teks.

Contoh Teks Narrative Bahasa Inggris

Contoh 1:

Monkey and Crocodile

One day a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile in the river, so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side. The crocodile told the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river.

Now, the crocodile was very hungry, so when it was in the middle of the river, it stopped and said to the monkey, "Monkey, my father is very sick. He must eat the heart of the monkey. Then he will be strong again."

The monkey thought for a while. Then he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank. "What's for?" asked the crocodile.

"Because I didn't bring my heart with me," said the monkey. "I left it under the tree, near some coconuts."

So, the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile's back and climbed up to the top of a tree. "Where is your heart?" asked the crocodile.

"You are foolish," the monkey said to the crocodile. "Now I am free and you have nothing.". The monkey told the crocodile not to try to fool him again. The crocodile swam away, hungry.

(Sumber: buku "Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA" oleh Effie Adjeng D)

Contoh 2:

The Legend of Rainbow

A long time ago, there was a farmer. He had a small farm. One day he found that a wall which he had built on previous days was getting knocked down. The farmer did not know who or what made it. Because he felt tired of this happening the farmer decided to catch who should be responsible.

One evening, while the farmer was in guard he heard something strange near that wall, then he ran to find out who or what it was. It was surprising him because there were three star maidens there. When they saw the farmer was approaching, they tried to escape. Two of the star maidens could run and escape but one of them was left behind.

The farmer then caught the star maiden. She was beautiful and soon the farmer felt in love with her. Because he was afraid that the star maiden would run away, the farmer hid her magical wings so she could not fly anymore. the farmer and the star maiden got married.

Time went by they live together and got a beautiful baby boy. They lived happily for a long time, until one day, the star maiden found her magical wings near their house. She wore her wings back and flew with her son next to her. The farmer was alone and heart broken.

The gods saw the tears of the farmer. They felt pity of him so they decided to build a bridge of different colors for him to climb to the sky and see his son and wife.

(Sumber: Get English Now)

Contoh 3:

Candi Prambanan

Once upon a time, there was a powerful prince named Bandung Bondowoso. In a war, Bandung Bondowoso killed Prabu Baka. Then, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with Prabu Baka’s daughter named Roro Jonggrang.

Bondowoso wanted to marry this beautiful princess. However, princess hated him because he had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was thinking of a way to refuse Bodowoso’s marriage proposal. Finally, she decided to marry Bandung Bondowoso if he could build a thousand temples before dawn.

Being helped by genies, Bondowoso built many temples very fast. Roro Jonggrang wanted to fail him. She asked all women in her village to hit rice so rooster crowed signing that morning was coming. All genies left their project until 999 temples. They thought morning came afterward.

Finally, Bondowoso knew that Roro Jonggrang tricked him. He got very angry so he cursed Roro Jonggrang into a rock statue “Arca”. Roro Jonggrang statue is inside Candi Prambanan to complete the project of a thousand temples.
