5 Contoh Teks Eksplanasi Alam, Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris

Ghina Aulia
17 Oktober 2022, 09:20
Contoh teks eksplanasi alam
ilustrasi rintik hujan

Hujan yang jatuh ke tanah airnya akan menjadi aliran permukaan (run-off) di atas tanah dan sebagian meresap ke dalam tanah, yang tentunya bergantung pada kondisi tanahnya. Ketika suatu kawasan hutan diubah menjadi permukiman, hutan yang bisa menahan aliran permukaan cukup besar diganti menjadi permukiman dengan resistensi aliran permukaan kecil. Akibatnya ada aliran permukaan tanah menuju sungai dan hal ini berakibat adanya peningkatan debit aliran sungai yang besar.

3. Musim Kemarau

Musim kemarau identik dengan musim kering dan langka air. Negara Indonesia memiliki dua musim yaitu musim kemarau dan musim hujan. Musim kemarau merupakan musim antara bulan April hingga Oktober. Sejumlah daerah terpantau mengalami kekeringan parah, padahal musim kemarau belum mencapai puncak. Namun sejak bulan Juni, kekeringan sudah melanda sejumlah daerah.

Penduduk sulit mencari sumber air bersih, sawah kering, serta debit air sungai dan waduk pun surut. Berdasarkan data Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG), wilayah yang telah mengalami kekeringan, yaitu sejumlah wilayah di Jawa dan Madura bagian selatan.

Contoh Teks Eksplanasi Alam Bahasa Inggris

1. Landslide

Landslides are events in which land movements occur due to the mass movement of rocks or large clumps of land. The cause of the landslide itself is classified into 2 namely the driving factors and trigger factors. The driving factor is a factor that affects the condition of the material, while the trigger factor is the factor that causes the material to move.

How can landslides occur?

Some regions have even been subscribed to this landslide. Landslides can be caused by natural factors and social factors.

The natural factor that caused the occurrence of landslides was quite high rainfall which resulted in the soil becoming eroded which made it increasingly steep so that landslides occurred. Besides, it could also be caused by an earthquake that triggered shifts in rocks which caused landslides.

Whereas the social factors that cause landslides are due to human activities themselves, for example deforestation, mountainous piles of garbage, and careless land clearing can lead to this event. 

For self-control, it can be done by planting trees in steep places because the trees, especially the roots, can absorb rain water so they can anticipate or minimize the occurrence of this landslide.

Landslides are indeed one of the most dangerous natural disasters. The occurrence of this landslide is very fast and it is difficult to avoid if we are in the place of the landslide. For this reason, it is necessary to take precautionary measures, one of which is planting trees in places prone to landslides and avoiding the places prone to landslides as much as possible.

2. Global Warming

As we know now, global warming which is happening right now has a very big impact on natural conditions, animals and humans. Well, do you know how global warming which has a particularly serious impact on life happens? To know the process of how this phenomenon occurs, see the following explanation.

The process starts when sunlight shines the earth where most of the heat is absorbed by the earth and a half of it is reflected back onto the air (atmosphere). Sunshine returning to the air is trapped by gasses in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, water vapor, and so on. This event is known as the greenhouse effect.

Solar radiation on the earth's atmosphere makes ozone layer get thinner and makes the sunlight which shines the Earth become hotter. The greenhouse effect also causes the sunlight which is reflected back onto space is reflected back into the earth. This phenomenon causes the earth continuously getting hotter. This condition is known as global warming.

Demikian penjelasan mengenai definisi, struktur dan contoh teks eksplanasi alam yang patut diketahui. 

Editor: Intan
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