Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris untuk Perpisahan Sekolah

Ilustrasi Berpidato
Editor: Sorta
6/2/2023, 12.52 WIB

Berpidato menjadi salah satu pelajaran yang umum para murid pelajari di sekolah. Pidato yang baik akan memberikan kesan yang baik pula kepada pendengar.

Aplikasi keahlian tersebut dapat murid pakai ketika perayaan atau memberi penghormatan. Tak jarang, pidato juga digunakan untuk perlombaan.

Jika ingin mempersiapkan pidato yang baik, simak beberapa contoh pidato bahasa Inggris di bawah ini dengan seksama.

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris untuk Perpisahan Sekolah

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris (Pexels)

Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris di bawah ini dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya. Pidato juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana menyampaikan perasaan dan kekhawatiran mengenai isu tertentu.

Berikut contoh pidato bahasa Inggris yang mudah dipelajari untuk perpisahan sekolah:

“Ladies and gentlemen, this farewell party which is held every year is meaningful for the students who have passed. After taking the exams and scoring the best possible grades, we are here.

Here, at this farewell, we are with our teachers and parents, who have accompanied us every step of the way. Our parents worked hard to find time to work to meet our needs is a great form of love.

We apologize for all our attitudes that made fathers and mothers sad, disappointed, angry, and so on. We also thank you for staying faithful to accompany us. We promise, everything that is sacrificed for us will not be in vain. We will be the best for ourselves, and useful for our families and those around us.

Do not forget we give thanks to the father and mother teachers. Some of us used to be ignorant, a bit lost, but teachers taught us, guided us and protected us from bad things. We thank you for that.

Mischief and sometimes we are a nuisance is part of our process. We deeply apologize for that.

In addition, we also thank all parties who work at this school for helping us in various ways. Starting from school administration, being a friend telling stories, maintaining cleanliness, and so on. All the things you do are useful and make us very helpful. Thank you very much.

We don't know what will happen in the future. Our goals are diverse. Our destiny and destinies also vary. All full of mystery.

But we are not afraid because we already have good life provisions from our parents and teachers. We are ready to reach our goals.

Once again, we thank profusely to all parents, our families who always support, teachers and all parties in this school. We will repay your services by being a good person and useful for other people and the country.”

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris (Pexels)


“Bapak dan ibu semuanya, pesta perpisahan yang diadakan setiap tahun ini menjadi sangat bermakna bagi para siswa yang dinyatakan lulus. Setelah menempuh ujian dan mencetak nilai sebaik mungkin, kami berada di sini.

Di sini, di perpisahan ini kami bersama dengan bapak dan ibu guru serta orang tua kami yang turut mendampingi kami di setiap langkah. Orang tua kami bersusah payah meluangkan waktu untuk bekerja demi memenuhi kebutuhan kami adalah bentuk cinta yang luar biasa.
