30 Contoh Ucapan Valentine Bahasa Inggris untuk Pasangan

Ilustrasi, pasangan.
Penulis: Ghina Aulia
Editor: Agung
14/2/2024, 07.30 WIB

Valentine merupakan peringatan internasional sebagai momen untuk merayakan Hari Kasih Sayang Sedunia. Valentine dirayakan setiap tanggal 14 Februari.

Tak terkecuali tahun ini, Valentine dapat dirayakan oleh setiap pasangan dengan menghabiskan waktu bersama atau sekedar bertukar ucapan. Selain hari jadi hubungan, Valentine merupakan kesempatan lain untuk merayakan hari yang romantis.

Pada kesempatan ini, kami ingin memberikan banyak referensi ucapan Valentine bahasa Inggris yang bisa diberikan kepada pasangan. Selengkapnya, simak tulisan berikut ini.

Ucapan valentine bahasa Inggris (Freepik)

Ucapan Valentine Bahasa Inggris

  • On this special day, I just want to confess that I’m madly in love with you and nothing in this world can change my heart when it comes to loving you.
  • Your love is my daily dose of happiness and cheer. I never want to lose you in life. I love you as if there’s no tomorrow. Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • I have seen a world full of happiness and love in your eyes. I crave nothing more than to be lost in there for eternity. Happy Valentine's day!
  • Death, for me, would be less painful than taking a breath without having your thoughts in my mind! I love you! Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
  • I cannot believe how blessed I am to have you in my life. I am so happy to have you as my girlfriend. Happy Valentine’s day.
  • Love is something that lasts forever and all of the sweet things that you do for me, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or not, mean the world to me.
  • You’re the queen of my life and I don’t need a valentine’s day to prove it. For me, every single day is valentine’s day because I’m so deeply in love with you!
  • Love that is sincere, selfless, and pure lasts forever! Warm embraces, gentle kisses, and my undivided affection are what I am bringing to you this Valentine’s Day.
  • You may have many Valentine’s Days in your life, but you’ll only have one perfect boyfriend like me in your whole life. Be thankful for what you have!
  • Your lips are the sweetest candies I’ve ever tasted. On this valentine’s day, I want to make some memories with you that both of us will never forget.
  • I knew falling for you would be much safer than falling from a tree. Indeed, it was! Thank you for your love and warmth. Happy Valentine's day!
  • I met you; I fell in love and I realized loving you is the only thing I’ll be doing for the rest of my life. Wishing you a happy valentine, my love!
  • Your love is like a beauty filter to my eyes. Since I met you, everything I see is beautiful in this world. Happy Valentines!
  • I’m so in love with you that sometimes it feels like I’m dreaming. I never thought my life could ever be so full of cheers and joy. I love you!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day, my special one! My love for you is deeper than the deepest oceans and I will treasure you with my whole being! Thank you for being by my side.
Ucapan valentine bahasa Inggris (Freepik)

Ucapan Valentine Bahasa Inggris Singkat

  • And they say dating is supposed to be tough—you make it seem easy to me.
  • If you wanna split a bottle of wine and big box of chocolate, I’m down.
  • Who says Valentine’s Day is just for lovers? Annoying jerks, that’s who.
  • Here’s to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.
  • You’re sweeter than candy! And that’s really, really sweet!
  • I fell in love with you because of all the small things you don’t even realize you’re doing.
  • You know how I knew you were the one? You’re the only person I can stand for longer than 6 hours.
  • Thank you for making me laugh and smile every single day since the day we met.
  • Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
  • Have fun on Valentine’s Day, and don’t eat too much candy.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the sweetest grandkid in the world!
  • We’re kind of new at this Valentine thing, but I just want you to know how exciting you are to me and what a good time I have whenever I’m with you.
  • I don’t know what’s next for us, but whatever it is, I can’t wait.
  • I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine’s Day. Because you are.
  • Someday, our fairytale ending will come. Until then, there’s pizza.

Itulah kumpulan ucapan Valentine bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan sebagai contoh. Anda juga dapat menuliskannya pada kado atau kartu ucapan.