Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris yang Lengkap dan Benar

Tima Miroshnichenko/Pexels
Ilustrasi seseorang sedang membaca contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris.
Editor: Redaksi
28/8/2021, 11.00 WIB
  • Pengantar singkat, termasuk di mana Anda bersekolah dan jurusan Anda. Jika Anda adalah lulusan baru yang sedang mencari magang, sertakan juga tanggal kelulusan Anda.
  • Nama perusahaan magang yang Anda lamar seperti yang tercantum dalam iklan pekerjaan.
  • Ringkasan pekerjaan atau pengalaman akademis Anda yang relevan dan aspirasi karir Anda.

Berikut contoh surat lamaran kerja magang atau internship dalam bahasa Inggris.

Dear [Nama HRD],

As a long-time fan of your company [Nama perusahaan], I was excited to see an open position for [Jabatan] on [Sumber lowongan pekerjaan]. It would be an amazing opportunity to work with this company and I feel that my academic and professional experience would make me an ideal candidate for the role.

My academic experience as [Gelar] graduate at [Nama Universitas] University and my achievements such as [Prestasi akademik] have given me the opportunity to work with a diverse team of scientists, journalists and business people. I know your company is looking to gain more attention across many professional disciplines, so my collaborative experience would be an asset.

I also have a strong work ethic and am dedicated to fulfilling my responsibilities, which would be well suited in an internship at [Nama perusahaan]. In my volunteer work, I was recently acknowledged for [Prestasi volunteer]. I feel that these skills would be strong assets as your intern this summer.

In closing, I am excited about this internship opportunity and feel that I can support the future direction of your company. Thank you for your time. I appreciate your consideration.


[Nama lengkap]

[Nomor telepon]


3. Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Profesional untuk Desainer Grafis

Elemen penting yang harus disertakan:

  • Cantumkan nama lengkap dan informasi kontak Anda di bagian atas surat lamaran Anda.
  • Sebutkan di mana Anda menemukan lowongan pekerjaan dan minat Anda pada peluang tersebut.
  • Gunakan paragraf pertama untuk menjelaskan mengapa Anda harus dipilih sebagai desainer grafis.
  • Diskusikan secara singkat pengalaman, kualifikasi, dan pencapaian Anda terkait dengan peluang tersebut.
  • Ucapkan terima kasih dan ungkapkan minat untuk mendiskusikan lowongan tersebut secara lebih rinci.
  • Akhiri surat lamaran dengan tanda tangan profesional dan nama lengkap Anda.

Berikut contoh surat lamaran kerja desainer grafis dalam bahasa Inggris.

[Nama Anda]


[Nomor Telepon]

Dear [Nama HRD],

Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated by design. I vividly remember drawing whenever I could get my hands on art tools as a child. I like to draw on the walls of my home. It inspired me to broaden my knowledge in art.

My love of design has only grown over the years. I knew that I wanted to be involved in the design field. I have pursued my dream since then and will continue my hard work to achieve it. I am confident that my experience and commitment to excellence makes me a great candidate for your open Graphic Designer position at [Nama perusahaan].

I have worked at [Nama perusahaan Sebelumnya] for [Durasi] years, where I am the [Jabatan] for [Nama proyek]. During my time there, I’ve thoroughly polished my design skills and am responsible for [Deskripsi pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab].

Beyond my skills, I am also an excellent communicator. I understand the importance of being able to work autonomously in a fast-paced environment while balancing internal dynamics alongside client demands. From a hard skills perspective I am familiar with a full suite of graphic design and illustration software such as [Nama software yang dikuasai]. I consider myself a well-rounded candidate with the proficiencies required to excel in this position.

I’m familiar with the history and legacy of [Nama perusahaan], as your graphic design work is well-known on a national level. It would be an honor to join your team and further pursue my goal of working in a large agency with big-time clients.

I’d love to speak to you about how I would be a good fit as a Graphic Designer in your office. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon!


[Nama Lengkap]

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