11 Contoh Undangan Buka Puasa Bersama via WA yang Bisa Jadi Referensi

Ghina Aulia
22 Maret 2024, 09:14
Contoh undangan buka puasa bersama via WA.
Ilustrasi, buka puasa bersama.

Hari/tanggal: Jumat, 5 April 2024
Waktu: 17.00 WIB
Tempat: Heavenly Eatery

Jangan lupa datang buat meramaikan buka bersama di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini. See you!

Contoh Undangan Buka Puasa Bersama via WA 4

Selamat pagi, rekan-rekan!

Bulan puasa adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi. Inilah sebabnya mengapa perusahaan ingin kita lebih mendekatkan diri dengan mengadakan program vegetarian bersama. Berikut detail acara buka puasanya:

Hari/tanggal: Senin, 1 April 2024
Waktu: 17.00 WIB
Lokasi: Warung Bebek Pak Suryo
Dresscode : Bebas dan sopan

Konfirmasi kehadiran bisa dilakukan dengan menghubungi 0889-739-19 sebelum hari Jumat tanggal 7 April 2023. Kami tunggu kehadirannya ya! Sampai jumpa di lokasi acara!

Contoh Undangan Buka Puasa Bersama via WA 5


Ramadhan Mubarak! ????✨

Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk berbuka puasa di tempat kami besok Rabu, pukul lima sore.. Makanan lezat dan perusahaan besar menanti! Beri tahu saya jika Anda bisa membuatnya. Ditunggu kehadirannya!

Contoh Undangan Buka Puasa Bersama Bahasa via WA Bahasa Inggris

1. Ramadan is a time for family, and I can't think of anyone I would rather break my fast with than you. Please join us for Iftar, where we can come together as a family and celebrate the blessings of this holy month.

2. Ramadan is a time for unity, and what better way to foster a sense of togetherness than by breaking our fast as colleagues. Please join me for Iftar, as we embrace the spirit of this holy month and nourish our bodies and souls.

3. As the sun sets and we break our fast, let's create cherished memories with our loved ones. Join us for Iftar, where we can laugh, pray, and savor the delicious food. Your presence will make our gathering complete.

4. Dear colleagues, join me for Iftar, where work takes a backseat, and the focus is on embracing the spirit of Ramadan. Let's come together outside the office and celebrate this holy month in each other's company.

5. Sharing blessings is at the heart of Ramadan. Dear neighbors, we invite you to our Iftar gathering, where we can break bread together, strengthen the bonds of friendship, and foster a sense of unity within our community.

6. As Ramadan blesses us with its presence, I invite you, my esteemed colleagues, to join me for Iftar. Let's create beautiful memories, strengthen our professional relationships, and nourish our lives both inside and outside the workplace.

Demikian contoh undangan buka puasa bersama via WA yang bisa dijadikan referensi. Anda juga bisa membuatnya dalam bentuk grafis atau poster.

Editor: Safrezi
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